We have transmitted a bath of Divine Light and Grace Light through the pendulum of the Archangels and our own connection to the Source.Normally we work with more tools but today the transmission has only been made through this pendulum. We have sung while transmitting the Light and a very powerful sphere of light was generated on top of each one of us “pregnant” with Light from the Source. It was solid and palpable while extremely sweet and loving.

At the end of the session we have received the following message from the Holy Spirit:

You have received a blessing of Light to carry it to your communities and to the hearts and minds of those around you; it is the True Light of Source. let this Light to take root strongly in your life, make the best out of this Light. Be powerful beacons of the Light of Source wherever you go. All is well. I am with you every step of the way. It is bumpy at present, but you will be victorious. Stay focused on your highest values, and hold strong to them, Be righteous.. I love you, my beloveds. Blessed be. “


Session facilitated by Barbara Meneses Baj Pendulos Spain Pure Presence, free from bondage for the highest good of all and of Mother Earth.
Drink water, rest
Blessings Barbara

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