The group is benefiting from this practice by 9.2 out of 10. When we have asked how it could improve to reach a maximum level of benefit, the answer has been that we have to: INCREASE OUR POSITIVE EXPECTATIONS
This means that especially in the areas of our life where we are less optimistic, where we trust less that things are resolved, we have a much more positive attitude in relation to our expectations that things go well, that we receive Divine inspiration. that we need to find the solution (which is to simply receive it because it has already been given to us) and that in general, we have that change of attitude in relation to our EXPECTATIONS.
Well, we usually get stuck waiting for the worst in the area of our life that most resists us, it is an inertia that must be released.
You have received a transmission of Divine Light and Divine Love, it has been long and has focused on the areas where you have the most difficulty perceiving that everything is and can be Wonderful.
You have also received two frequencies that I call Roses for lack of a better word,which help us to better understand the past and strengthen us against past, present and future shocks, and provide protection (in the areas of our life where we have difficulties).
After these transmissions, the group indicated that it didn’t need anything else.
We hope it helps you drink water, rest, integrate.
We will do another session at the end of the month to close the 30-day practice. You will then have received three group sessions of support. We hope that they have helped you in your life and that you have been able to improve your perception of the reality that you live and the areas in which you find it harder to look with positive, loving and amazed eyes.
This practice is an original idea of a person who attended the Neville Goddard Talks in the United States and managed to transform her life using the expression “Isn´it wonderful” before everything she perceived. The practice we are carrying is an initiative courtesy from B. Meneses, Baj Pendulos Spain, as well as energy-vibratory support for the group of participants free of charge.