RESULTS Group session Emotional Support
7 Nov 2021

General baseline measurements of the participant group:
Current level of emotional trauma 8.1 out of 10.
Of that number, what is the level of trauma that is due to the current situation? 9.1
To what degree are we trapped in negative emotions? 8.3 out of 10
To what degree are the negative emotions that the group “suffers” artificially triggered? 7.2 out of 10
What is the group’s level of empathy and to what degree is the group currently absorbing negative energy from the community due to its empathy? 9.2 out of 10.
What is the volume of own emotions in these moments of the group? 2.3 out of 10.


We work by releasing emotions that do not belong to the participating people, that they have absorbed from the community or that have been artificially instigated, through the Violet Flame Pendulum.
Transmission of healing frequencies through the Archangel Raphael, Pendulum of the Archangels.
Transmission of Christic frequencies, Pendulum Archangels
Transmission Divine Light and Divine Love Pendulum Archangels
Ultraviolet dowsing color transmission, Archangels Pendulum.

Final session:
Trauma level 0/10 (it does not mean that it always stays at zero, but after the session the measurement is negligible).
Own negative emotions level: 1/10
Level of access to Divine Love: 10/10.

Final message: The vibration of the dolphins has accompanied us and we received a message of rebirth.

We hope this session helps you all.

After the session: drink water, rest, allow the emotions to surface and embrace them in Love with conscious breaths.

Session facilitated by Barbara Meneses, for the highest good of all, free of attachments.

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