Positive influences in November
Changing “tune” a few years ago, I began to notice that November was a month in which spiritual gifts descended. I noticed it with the Harmonic Concordance from a few years ago, in 2003.
Since then, every month of November I perceive a discharge of spiritual gifts that fall on us and that we can receive if we are aware of them.
They can be subtle gifts, greater connection, greater love, greater awakening, greater wisdom, greater access to beneficial information, greater empowerment … greater sense of inner mastery etc.
What we do with these gifts is up to us … whenever we receive spiritual gifts we must ensure that the internal resources that we have to do something with them are empowered and activated, otherwise it is like wanting to catch water that falls from the sky with the open hands … that heavenly pitcher is spilled, we waste the divine nectar that comes to us,
A good point of focus in November is to stay spiritually playful, seeking to discover what gifts come to us or have come to us and in what way we can update them in our life, that is to do something useful, profitable, beneficial for ourselves and others. .
Happy treasure hunt this November !!!

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