This list allows you to see on a single page all the manuals that we have released in English (We have these same manuals in Spanish). We will try to update it as we add new titles. Remember that our Online Courses also have manuals as well as many of our specific pendulums but those are NOT included in this list. At the bottom of this page you have a dowsing quadrant to ask if the manual you are thinking of buying will benefit you/your sessions in the short, medium and/or long term. An affirmative answer to those 3 questions is a big YES.
Our manuals are not intended to be dowsing courses, so we recommend that you train properly to better take advantage of these documents. We recommend our Level 1 and Level 2 Online courses in Mental Dowsing. Vibratory Radiesthesia and Pendulum Healing.
Please do not share these documents through Online piracy, thank you for your integrity. It takes an enormous effort to create these documents and it is our way of living. COPYRIGHT All rights reserved, Barbara Meneses Montgomery. No rights to distribute, sell, resell, translate, copy, modify in any shape of form our work.
A serie of manuals in PDF, English with dowsing sheet of charts and a dowsing protocol to help work with the seven main auric bodies or layers of the aura in bioenergetic sessions.
- Aura, the Etheric body
- Aura, the Emotional body
- Aura, the Mental body
- Aura, the Astral body
- Aura, the Causal body
- Aura, the Christic body
- Aura, the Celestial body
A series of manuals in PDF English with dowsing sheet of charts to work in depth with the seven main chakra centers of the human subtle anatomy.
- Muladhara, the first chakra
- Svadhisthana, the second chakra
- Manipura, the third chakra
- Anahata, the fourth chakra
- Vishuddha, the fifth chakra
- Ajna, the sixth chakra
- Sahasrara, the seventh chakra
A series of documents result of dowsing procedures found out through dowsing sessions in order to provide inspiration to other dowsers.
- Dowsing key O1: The Flow of Love
- Dowsing key 02: Blockages and traumas
- Dowsing key 03: Dowsing the Matrix out of yourself
- Dowsing key 04: The Inner Child
- Dowsing key 05: Dowsing protocol for self esteem
- Dowsing key 06:Healing the gates of the Inner Temple
- Dowsing key 07: Dowsing the pain body
- Dowsing key 08: Dowsing paradigms
- Dowsing key 09: Healing in the past
- Dowsing key 10: How to disentangle enmeshments
- Dowsing key 11: Clinging to the old self
Manuals that do not belong to a specific series which address vital and crucial information for our dowsing sessions pertaining to different subjects such as attachment cords, energy vampirism, dowsing in time, integration of missing fragments, toxins, timelines and much more. Some manuals come with a dowsing sheet of charts and others not.
- Collapsing timelines
- Dowsing for prosperity
- Dowsing subtle attacks
- Heal your projections
- Dowsing artificial intelligence
- Dowsing in time: 13 seconds away
- Integration of fragments
- Dowsing toxins
- Dowsing subtle bubbles
- Bioenergetic points of attraction
- Dowsing attachments
- Permission granted
- Dowsing Limiting beliefs
- The bioenergetics of Karma
- Soul wounds
- A dowsing course in miracles
- Dowsing I AM
- Dowsing stress
- The False Light
- Ground, center and align yourself
- Dowsing triggers
- Energetic vampirism
- Heal your words
- Dowsing the Inner Critic
- Dowsing cellular memories
- Dowsing self-sabotage
- Egyptian pendulums manual
- Manual Guilt and Shame
- From curses to Blessings
- Dowsing Trauma bonds
- Dowsing Self betrayal
- Dowsing The story, analysing our life´s narrative
- Dowsing Developmental stages
- Dowsing the Ego
- Pain and Suffering, a dowsing approach
- Healthy boundaries, a dowsing approach
- Dowsing to manifest
- Dowsing levels of consciousness
- Dowsing success manual
- Implants and negative programming
- Dowsing Unresolved issues
- Soul contracts, a dowsing approach
- Dowsing resistance to change
- Dowsing Desire
- Dowsing fear
- Dowsing power
- Dowsing intention
- Dowsing Twin Souls
- Dowsing victimhood
- Dowsing decision making
- Dowsing the black sheep
- Dowsing blindness (what we don´t want to see)
- Dowsing hypersensitivity
- Dowsing disappointment
- Dowsing Past Lives
- Soul and body
- Starseeds manual
- Sects, a dowsing approach
- Integration, a dowsing approach
- Self imposed prisons, a dowsing approach
Help yourself to dowse if a particular manual may be beneficial to you, your client´s sessions, in the short, medium and long term. If affirmative on all three you´ll be on the “winning” side of your dowsing practice!