During Corona V
Date: April 23rd, 2020
Time: 19h Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone) It is a session at the distance NOT recorded or live.

We closed the participation at 18:30 deleting this post.

Session purpose: to transmit energy, frequencies, Light providing bioenergetic, emotional, and spiritual support to the people who sign up under the original post at this link.

You can also SIGN INTO THE SESSION from YOUTUBE writing your name under this post.

Who can sign up: everyone who puts their name under this post (follow the original link) If you add people ask for their consent.

What to do during the session? Nothing in particular, if you want to meditate during the session you can do it. You can decree that you open yourself to receive ONLY the best of this session for your highest good.

What to do after the session? Drink water and rest.

Session organized by Barbara Meneses, Baj-pendulos Spain-Pura Presencia free of attachments.



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