Day 9 “Yes I Love You” 21-day practice

Today we walk with the Holy Spirit of Love on the path that invites us to return to our true essence through the Portal of Love to oneself, to others, to everything around us.

Immersed in the volatility of the world, of the violence that is shown to us in the media, the tensions … we are invited to be pillars of PEACE AND LOVE amidst the tensions and violence that are unleashed by the dense forces that resist to accept that the Light has finally come into our lives and that there is no going back.

In the midst of the thickest darkness we remember that this is also an illusion aiming to push us out of our focus. “Yes, I love you” and I see you, I see your strategies but I let them go, focused as I am on the Love that I am. My pillar of Love and focus is anchored powerfully in the Earth allowing my brothers and sisters to strengthen themselves with my presence focused and attentive to the TRUTH, to the love that we are, to the unity that we are.
Yes I Love you … we go together towards Freedom, Hope, Liberation, Together, “Yes I love you” …. Freedom, Yes I Love you … Victoriy, YesI Love you.

Blessings on the day of Pentecost, may the Holy Dove descend upon all those prepared to receive it

Barbara Meneses

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