Transgenerational pendulum


A dowsing tool for Ancestral healing

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The transgenerational pendulum

A tool for Ancestral healing (Pendulum+ Basic manual in PDF, English)


We have created this vibratory radiesthesia tool to work on ancestral healing, in dowsing sessions focused on transgenerational energy work, that is, with the burden transmitted by the ancestors in the maternal and paternal lineages.

From the work I have been doing in Ancestral healing /harmonization through years, a clear pattern of transmission of unresolved issues, programs, patterns can be seen in the energy fields of people. We are not islands, we form part of a living tree formed with branches (paternal and maternal lineage) and with people (ancestors) and their stories, their unresolved conflicts and issues, their fears and limitations. The tree searches for balance, harmony and healing and will look down the line to find new members with a similar affinity with an ancestor and will transmit a pattern/burden to the next generation in search for resolution. Some persons are the only “healers” in the family and thus, suffer the heavy burden of having to resolve much of the ancestral load.Our aim creating this pendulum is to assist dowsers and bioenergetic practitionners work with these matters from an energetic and spiritual perspective.

The pendulum in the shape of the head of Osiris, painted in black and on the base the English word “Transgenerational” written in white, has the classic form of vibratory dowsing to emit specific waves of information, in this case, information from the load of internal remedies and the dowsing commands issued by the dowser.

The pendulum comes with a basic manual to get started using the tool. In the future we hope to offer a specific course to work with the transgenerational. For now, we recommend this pendulum to dowsers with transgenerational training or with sufficient training in therapeutic dowsing to address this issue.


Possible uses of the pendulum

  • Support in the elimination of negative consequences of the transgenerational burdens (blockages, resistances, crystallizations, oppressive structures)
  • Support the breaking of transgenerational curses (family curses)
  • Transmission of light vibrations when the need is detected, working for a specific ancestor
  • General tree harmonization
  • Travel through time to assist from a dowsing perspective an ancestor
  • Others (more uses will surface when using our intuition)




We recommend this SET of pendulums to intermediate-advanced dowsers. To see more about our classification of levels of practice click HERE.


LEGAL NOTE: Dowsing is NOT a substitute for the medical care required by those who suffer or suspect that they have a clinical condition.






This pendulum can work with the Manual Unresolved issues in the aspects that we touch upon connected to the transgenerational or family tree



  • Beech wood pendulum from the BAJ brand, painted in black and on the base the word “transgenerational” written in white
  • Basic user manual in PDF A6 format, pages 19 English
  • Possibility of tuning the pendulum to its owner. To do this, in the NOTES section when making the purchase, indicate the name, surname and date of birth of the person.


Additional information

Weight 60 g


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