The Body Elemental pendulum


Pendulum+Basic Manual PDF English

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The Body Elemental pendulum and Manual PDF English

Just as in Heaven there are angelic forces, on Earth there are elemental forces, offered by the Divine Mother to watch over the Temple of our bodies. The task of the Elemental of our bodies is sacred, but sadly little recognized by our minds, our egos who make decisions not always listening to the wise voice of the Elemental of the Body. Thus, we become disharmonized, we distort ourselves and we move away from our essence and from those decisions that ensure our greatest good. our greatest vital purpose.

The Elemental of the body is like a guardian that watches over our physical body and that it maintains all its bioenergetic functions in an optimal way: functions of elimination, regeneration, cellular communication, reproduction, vitality, etc. The elemental of the body acts as a “captain general” mobilizing the elemental forces of Nature in us to help us maintain balance. His functions are not always easy nor can they be carried out perfectly due to our interference through the ingestion of non-beneficial substances, stress, mental-emotional and energetic toxicity and a long etcetera that dynamites his work and his functions. Many elementals in the bodies of many people are abandoned, frustrated, desperate. If we could serve them, the world would be better and they would rest in peace. It is from a spirit of honor for your work and deep love that we have created this tool to help you help us.

Considering that today there are many factors that compromise the integrity of our physical bodies, working with the Body Elemental and helping it can be of the utmost importance.

We have created this pendulum, first honoring the Divine Mother and second, honoring in depth the Elemental of the human Body, an elemental force that we all have. With this dowsing tool we propose three objectives:

  • To help us connect with the Elemental of the Body, heal our relationship with him.

  • To dialogue bioenergetically with the Body Elemental for all kinds of dowsing tests that help us assist the Body Elemental to watch over us and our physical incarnation. The information that the Body Elemental can provide us is “our truth” biological, from a physical, elemental, animal, natural perspective as opposed to mental, egoic information, far from our nature, distorted.

  • Through the ingredients of the internal charge of the pendulum, in “pendulum healing” the branch of dowsing that harmonizes, we can vibrationally help that elemental force in us to perform its functions in the best possible way. One of the great functions of the Body Elemental is to ensure that the Perfect Original Pattern is maintained in us at the cellular level, as we were originally created by the Source, in this case, the creative part of the Source that we call the Divine Mother.

  • Among the ingredients of the inner filling are: Pure Ormus (Gold, silver, rodhium, platinum, chrome and other micro elements and herbs to nourish and strengthen the Elemental of our bodies)


Pendulum uses

The pendulum can assist:

  • To connect with our own Body Elemental in self-treatment sessions, research and dowsing testing for oneself
  • Compatibility analysis of food, drinks, substances, activities taking into account the information of the Body Elemental
  • To connect with the Elemental of the body of our clients, family, friends, animals, plants …
  • To harmonize the relationship of the person, animal, with its elemental of the body when that relationship has been damaged or there is trauma and lack of mutual trust
  • To help ultra-sensitive people to incarnate in their physical bodies when a part of them refuses to incarnate and they keep gravitating outside their bodies for too long with the consequent tear that this entails for the physical body and the sensation of personal alienation experienced.


PDF Manual in English

The pendulum comes with a PDF manual in ENGLISH with basic instructions. Please note the manual is not aimed at replacing proper training in the field of Dowsing. (Consider our Online Courses Level 1 and 2 in which we set strong foundations for all our body of work)


Attunement to the user

We can attune the pendulum to its user which will facilitate the work with it. Write your name, two surnames and date of birth in the NOTES section in the shopping cart if you want us to tune in.





  • Beech wood pendulum
  • Basic Manual  PDF English pages:32 in A6 format
  • Possibility of attuning the pendulum to its new owner (leave us name and surname, date of birth in the Notes section when making the purchase)


Additional information

Weight 45 g


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