Success Attunement


Attunement transmitted at a distance


Success attunement

Dowsing attunement to work with the vibration of Success in our projects, sessions to enhance success in all areas of our lives and/or that of our clients.

This attunement will accompany the Dowsing and Success Manual that we are preparing, but we wanted to launch this initiation on 8/8/8 with the radiation of the Leo portal marked precisely by Success.

The attunement is transmitted over distance, generally within 48 hours after the purchase of the product/service. It comes with a simple manual with basic instructions on how to use the attunement as well as a PDF diploma.

We need the full name (first name and two surnames) of the person to start as well as their date of birth, which can be written in the NOTES section in the shopping cart.




Thank you from the bottom of my heart for my 888 Success Attunement! It was SPECTACULAR! 

I felt an enormous amount of energy coming from my heart chakra spreding in my entire chest, and all over my entire body. My hands and my throat chakra was buzzing with happiness and joy! What a amazing gift!

Yesterday evening when I found your YouTube presentation with the Succes Attunemen, I’ve jumped on your website. I knew it right away that is a lifetime opportunity to be surrounded by this magnificent energy!

I’m so, so, soooooo grateful to GOD and to you, Barbara for all your blessings upon myself and my family! 

Forever gratitude! Infinite appreciation, respect and LOVE! /C.A Canada



  • Attunement transmitted at a distance normally in less than 48h since booking the service through purchasing it. We need the full name, date of birth of the person receiving the attunement. Please write it when placing the order in the NOTES area.
  • Simple manual in PDF with instructions on how to activate the attunement
  • Diploma in PDF

Who is your facilitator for this attunement

We need your full name and date of birth for the attunement. Please check your SPAM box as we will send you an email providing you a date for the attunement. Make sure you write correctly your email 🙂



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