Sects Manual


PDF document in English


Sects Manual, a Dowsing approach

(PDF, English)

In this manual we address the possible implications of belonging to a sect and through a protocol with questions we can determine the degree of toxicity that a person carries for having been part of these groups and the possible consequences that they carry in their mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual system.

Let us remember that a sect today can be any type of group that behaves in a sectarian way towards the rest of the world and towards its followers. The consequences of our time in these groups can be very serious and even require us to go through the police and judicial route while we attend to the psychological consequences that belonging to these groups has entailed.

The difficulty in detecting this type of group lies in the fact that they do not clearly announce themselves as “sects” and yet specific groups can have sectarian behaviors that are as toxic and destructive for a person as a conventional sect.

A group with sectarian (toxic) behaviors can be, among others:

  • A religious, spiritual, philosophical sect
  • A party, socio-political group
  • A sports group, a group of physical practices
  • A professional group
  • A family nucleus
  • An online, virtual group focused on some practice (video games, network activities, etc.)
  • A group of friends
  • A single person with whom we bond as a couple forming a sect of two
  • A group of fans, collectors, certain practices
  • A criminal group, among others

This manual only intends to be a small step in the detection of this type of influences so that we can request specialized help at the slightest suspicion of being subjected to one of these groups.

The manual proposes solutions that the dowsing therapist can offer his client and solutions that the client can initiate to help himself get out of this situation. Among the solutions we always go through first of all by referring the client to the police, judicial and health authorities at the slightest suspicion of seriousness due to belonging to sectarian groups.


Manual recommended to:

We recommend this manual for intermediate to advanced level dowsers. More information about our classification in levels of dowsing practice in this LINK







  • A PDF document in English A6 format, pages 84





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