Pain and Suffering Manual


A PDF Manual in English 103 pages


Pain and Suffering, a dowsing approach (PDF; English pages:103

Through dowsing we can help better understand human and animal pain and suffering and provide solutions at an energetic level, at least to alleviate it to a certain extent.

In this manual we approach pain and suffering from different perspectives and propose, through a dowsing work protocol, questions that will make us better understand the nature of those two experiences from which we generally all seek to escape. We are mainly focusing on humans in this manual.

The pain and suffering we feel is not always ours nor do its motivations come from the causes we believe. Understanding can help us let go of what does not belong to us and can make it easier for us to process it in more beneficial ways.

The manual is accompanied by questions and answer options as well as examples of dowsing solutions available to us. With this we hope to help the dowsing therapist as much as possible to provide support to these expressions mainly in humans but also in animals.

This manual is the second that we have written on a similar topic since we previously published a dowsing key on the Pain Body, that notion popularized by the author and lecturer Eckart Tolle.

This manual can be used, among others, to:

  • Discover causes, consequences, and other parameters related to present pain/suffering
  • Discover information relating to past pain/suffering or our ancestral lineages as part of a transgenerational analysis
  • Discover hidden causes of current and past pain/suffering
  • Discover information about suffering that we have absorbed through the empathic way and that does not correspond to us


Manual recommended to:

We recommend this manual for intermediate to advanced level dowsers. More information about our classification in levels of dowsing practice in this LINK







  • A PDF document, A6 format pages 103 in English








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