Neutral pendulum


SKU: PRO-002 Categories: ,


Neutral pendulum

This pendulum is a MUST for those wanting to practice vibratory radiesthesia also called physical radiesthesia. With this tool you will be able to calculate wavelengths of everything from your personal wavelength to that of a remedy, a stone, a space, a meridian, an organ, a chakra. This tool is invaluable to help you determine the flow of energy of your object of study and how it will respond to the different bioenergetic solutions you will find in your dowsing research.

The tool does not come with instructions so you will need to have learned from an experienced dowser how to work with the neutral pendulum.

A proper neutral pendulum is a device that has been depolarized. It does not show signs of response to the positive/negative polarity as expressed for example by a battery. You need to make sure that your device is trully depolarized because if not this polarization can falsify your subtle readings.

This is one of the main tools we use in our courses in Spain and Online.

Our manufacturer knows how to create depolarized pendulums.

Product details:

Wooden pendulum, Black.

Additional information

Weight 20 g


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