Isis pendulum 4 batteries black aluminium


1 in stock


Isis Pendulum 4 batteries Black Aluminum

New pendulum within the family of Egyptian pendulums from the BAJ firm, lighter than the brass ones as it weighs 28 grams and measures 7 cm long.

It emits the base radiesthethic color of ultra white and a sub band of electromagnetic positive green, two radiations widely used in harmonization work with dowsing.

BAJ points out that aluminum is a metal coded with the number 13 in the table of elements, a material once more valuable than gold.  13 has strong resonances with Christ energy and with unconditional Love in its agape form.


  • You can use the pendulum  as a general dowsing tool (ask questions, find answers)
  • Transmit dowsing  commands by means of the radiesthetic color wave-form Ultra White a powerful radiation for focusing intent
  • You can use the pendulum as a pendulum healing tool if you know how to work with pendulums in such a manner
  • You can transmit the radiesthetic colors Ultrawhite and Positive green over chosen areas where needed.
  • Use your intuition for other uses



  • Isis pendulum with 4 batteries, blackened galvanized aluminum material
  • Measurements: 7 cm long and 28 grams weight


Additional information

Weight 30 g


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