Isis Ka pendulum


2 in stock


The Isis Ka pendulum was developed by the BAJ Laboratory. It is an Isis 8 battery with 4 larger ones at the top and 4 smaller ones at the bottom. Through this configuration we find resonances with the upper and lower worlds on the Tree of Life. 4 and 4 show a structure of stability Heaven Earth and together all the batteries form a dynamic unit of energy and vitality if we are guided by the numerological power of 8.

Isis was the Great Mother of life in ancient Egypt, goddess of healing, protection and magic, she symbolises the feminine divine power and wisdom. The name KA means the vital energy that fills the universe. The ISIS-KA pendulum created in the Baj Laboratory, through the appropriate proportions, shape and number and figure of the discs, sends a strong current of healing energy in white, which is the sum of all the colours of the spectrum of sunlight. Its shape contains elements of the Ankh cross of life. It is an excellent tool for therapeutic work. Being made of aluminium, it is light and very handy, and at the same time has high power and high selectivity. The battery that emits the energy of the ISIS-KA pendulum is significantly larger than the classic version, which usually consists of 4 discs. Like all other Isis pendulums, it emits a radiesthetic “white colour”, making it a safe and practical device. As it is not charged during operation, it does not need to be discharged after each use.

We hold the pendulum over the area of ​​the energy field where we wish to work. We give a radiesthetic command with the instruction: “Transmit the most suitable energies in the white radiesthetic frequency” letting the pendulum rotate transmitting that radiation until it stops moving.

Due to its properties, the pendulum allows us to access the most harmonious radiesthetic colours through the white colour frequency.

This is why it is a safer tool in the hands of novice dowser without their own experience in chromotherapy.

For those with previous training in dowsing, the pendulum can also be used as a wave carrier to transmit a wide range of frequencies, remove blockages in the flow of energy and resolve energy leaks in the body, regulate the functioning of the chakras, for research work on charts, diagrams and maps; to select ingredients for herbal mixtures; check whether food and drink are suitable for us, etc.

The pendulum has an internal chamber. After unscrewing the cap, we can place a sample of the substance in it and send its beneficial vibrations to the body. In this chamber we can place a sample or witness in the case of animal searches for example (for those who are specialized in this area of ​​dowsing).

Note: The use of a pendulum can never replace a medical consultation and the classic methods of treatment. They are always only an auxiliary action, which complements and enhances the effectiveness of medical therapy.



  • Light grey aluminium pendulum
  • Measurements: approx. 9cm high
  • Approx. weight: 50 gr



Additional information

Weight 62 g


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