Integration of Fragments Manual (Pdf)


Manual and Dowsing Chart in PDF ENGLISH


Integration of fragments Manual (PDF)

“A good bioenergetic therapy is a therapy that always facilitates the integration of fragments because it works from the root helping persons free themselves of falsehood, burdens, ties, oppressive structures and gradually helps them to become more and more aware and awaken to their authentic being.”  Integration of Fragments Manual, B.Meneses

Many persons ignore that they have incarnated in this human experience precisely to integrate fragments of their being that were split at some point in their multidimensional existence as a result of the desire for self-knowledge of the Source, of the traumas lived in multiple incarnated lives, of manipulative processes and a wide variety of causes and reasons that we address in this manual.

Fragmentation is a poorly described phenomenon and with very real consequences for people and even animals as it splits the fullness of our being into multiple facets more or less disconnected from each other, causing people to not be able to experience themselves in a unified, full state, thus accessing all their resources, gifts and talents.

In this manual we address this interesting and necessary topic to take into account in our bioenergetic support sessions, offering an analysis of the dynamics of fragmentation, a study of its typology and practical steps to help us in sessions to facilitate said integration.

Dowsing Sheet chart in PDF

The Fragment Integration Manual is accompanied by a simple dowsing sheet that helps us navigate through the options proposed in the manual to detect fragment types and other relevant dowsing search parameters in this work. The sheet is in PDF in A3 and Ansi format B.

Pendulums suitable for working with this manual

(These are some pendulums from our shop that (not all we can use) to work with fragments. Each dowser has to test which tools will be most useful from his collection of pendulums, in each session for each person).

“Personally, the pendulums that I use the most for this process are the Magdalene and the Akasa. In the case of Animal Dowsing, without a doubt, the Chaga. Bárbara Meneses.

  • From within our Mental Dowsing tools, the content of this manual can be worked with pendulums such as Isis, Isis-Osiris, Hathor (small ball that emits dowsing rose)
  • From Vibratory Radiesthesia: there are more appropriate tools such as the Magdalene pendulum, Akasha, Archangels, Chaga, Orme and Diamond Light, Ascension pendulum
  • From Radiesthesia-radionics: the Oniris Pendulum has specific labels for this, Rahma, The Essene Pendulum has labels suitable for this process.
  • From radionics, the Solar Angels Radionic Disc can help in the fragment integration process by channeling sunlight into the person’s energy field, preparing her field for that integration.


Integration is therefore the solution


Ideal reader of this manual

This manual is NOT for beginners in Dowsing or therapeutic processes.

Recommended for medium experience Dowsers and more advanced. Level 1 and Level 2 students of our online courses will do great with this manual.



 This manual is a key to help those people who will consciously work facilitating this integration in others, either because they are therapists or simply because with their presence and their light, they will collaborate with this help that is given at this time from higher planes to this re-unification not only of the Family of Light but to the fragments of those members of the human, animal Family and of the other kingdoms. All our manuals are actually door openers to a greater empowerment for the Dowser who reads them.” Integration of Fragments Manual



This manual and the integration attunement can work well together in dowsing sessions. You may also complement the reading of this manual with the Integration Manual, a dowsing approach which covers the topic of integration in a broader way.



  • 70 pages Manual in A6 format  PDF
  • Dowsing sheet in PDF formats A3 and Ansi format B (USA format)



A Pura Presencia™ Manual created for the highest good of All.


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