Healthy boundaries Manual


PDF document in English


HEALTHY BOUNDARIES, A dowsing approach

(PDF English, 79 pages)

Healthy boundaries,  is a very widespread concept in the Anglo-Saxon world to refer to the natural space around us and that we consider as our own. That space can be invaded by other people and this greatly affects those who are highly sensitive, empathetic, shy, or have suffered traumas that make them feel vulnerable in the sometimes overwhelming and dominant or invasive presence of some people.

The manual, which includes a dowsing protocol inside, will allow us to analyze the state of our own or our clients’ “boundaries” and discover all the relevant information that we need to obtain to help through dowsing, to make the relevant awareness regarding her own space and help her through dowsing.

The border in this case “healthy” or “toxic” indirectly informs us of the person’s auric health and their way of conceiving their social participation in the world around them. Limiting beliefs, patterns of self-sabotage, self-punishment, negative programming and blockages and traumas would also be influencing the state of that external space but immediately close to the person.

Pendulums suitable for this manual:

In addition to the pendulums that the dowser tests from his private collection, some time ago we created the Sacred Space Pendulum focused precisely on this concept. Other pendulums that emit radiesthetic colors such as white and violet can help strengthen the interpersonal  boundaries as well as spiritual radiations such as Divine Light. The Archangels and Exor pendulums can also be used to work on these issues, especially when the boundary is permeable due to oppression by dense or dark forces.


Manual recommended to:

We recommend this manual for intermediate to advanced level dowsers. More information about our classification in levels of dowsing practice in this LINK









  • A PDF document in English A6 format, pages 79







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