Hawk “medicine” attunement


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Hawk “medicine” Attunement

In line with the other totemic animal attunements, we offer this one based on the Halk “medicine” .

The Hawk is a sacred bird in many cultures around the world. It is part of key elements in ancient mystery schools due to its association with Horus, son of Isis and Osiris.

Falcon medicine is associated with the sense of acute perception (ultrasensory), with the awakening of the third eye, the vision that transcends duality, wisdom, the ability to rise above our earthly challenges to observe with a transcendent gaze, connected to the causal world, the spiritual world.


How you can work with these attunements

  • In dowsing sessions
  • In meditation or shamanic journeys or inner explorations
  • Charging crystals, stones with the vibration of the initiation
  • In massage sessions when it is tested that it is appropriate
  • Charging floral herbal remedies
  • Use your intuition to give it other possible uses



  • Attunement transmitted at a distance normally in less than 48h since booking the service through purchasing it. We need the full name, date of birth of the person receiving the attunement. Please write it when placing the order in the NOTES area.
  • Simple manual in PDF with instructions on how to activate the attunement
  • Diploma in PDF

Who is your facilitator for this attunement

We need your full name and date of birth for the attunement. Please check your SPAM box as we will send you an email providing you a date for the attunement. Make sure you write correctly your email 🙂




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