Good Luck vibration attunement



The Good Luck vibration Attunement

This initiation helps us to tune into the radiation/vibration of Good Luck, the “lucky star”, good fortune. It is a vibration that we all have access to but that sadly many of us forget as a result of our negative expectations following lived experiences that we label as negative.

The vibration or radiation of Good Luck is lost as part of a general loss of faith in life, in our capabilities and above all in our perception of worthiness or lack thereof. People with traumatic experiences and hard experiences in life lose that sense of good fortune, they forget how that radiation vibrates and do not know how to reproduce it in their lives.

It is an important radiation to tune into after periods of Dark Nights of the Soul, crises in our relationships, difficulties or conflicts at work or in the family, periods of convalescence or delicate health.

Thus the purpose of this initiation is to help us remember this vibration and reintroduce it as a real possibility in our lives.

This type of initiation is a vibrational reminder of radiation, not a promise of good luck. Dowsing is a vibrational art and its purpose is to reintroduce beneficial radiation into the energy field of people, spaces, even animals and plants, when it has been lost for various reasons. Likewise, dowsing works to eliminate, diminish, neutralize toxic radiation in us or in our spaces.



  • Attunement transmitted at a distance normally in less than 48h since booking the service through purchasing it. We need the full name, date of birth of the person receiving the attunement. Please write it when placing the order in the NOTES area.
  • Simple manual in PDF with instructions on how to activate the attunement
  • Diploma in PDF

Who is your facilitator for this attunement

We need your full name and date of birth for the attunement. Please check your SPAM box as we will send you an email providing you a date for the attunement. Make sure you write correctly your email 🙂



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