Dowsing the Ego


PDF Manual English 90 pages


Dowsing the Ego (PDF manual in English)

We have created this manual with a dowsing protocol and lists of answers in the appendix, to identify the type of ego a person has, its structure and how it can negatively affect them in one or different areas of their life.

There are many definitions of the “ego” and in this manual we address some of them and above all we work with those causes and consequences of the natural or artificial creation of this way of giving ourselves an “egoic” identity that is not always healthy or beneficial for us and our relationships. .

The manual allows us to identify the main problems that can cause us to live exclusively identified with the ego, detect through dowsing testing the most suitable solutions to help us in sessions and facilitate the process of becoming aware of the dynamics discovered in the course of the analysis promoted by the protocol questions.

The objective of the manual is to identify those most toxic dynamics that affect the person in terms of the ego and its structure and to facilitate the gradual transition from over-identification or identification with the ego to the recognition of one’s natural being, free of forms. artificially imposed from within or from outside of himself.



Manual recommended to:

We recommend this manual for intermediate to advanced level dowsers. More information about our classification in levels of dowsing practice in this LINK








  • A PDF Manual in English, A6 format pages:90






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