Dowsing Key 05
Dowsing protocol for a healthy Self-Esteem
More than 70% of the American population suffers from a low self-esteem in one shape or another. Spain has been labeled recently as one of the countries with the lowest Self-Esteem. People from all shapes, sizes, cultural backgrounds and economic levels suffer from this low self evaluation.Rich people, poor people, famous people and anonymous ones. Marylin Monroe, Princess Diana of Wales… so many people have suffered and continue to suffer from this low emotional state.Even the most revered Saints have chosen to dismiss themselves as they poured their love and care onto others.
Self-Esteem is key in all areas of our life. We cannot be healthy with a poor Self-Esteem, we cannot be abundant or prosperous fully and wholly with little self worth. Of course we cannot be fully satisfied and happy with this low self- image. In the Spiritual realm, with no Self-Esteem, the doors remain shut for us to consciously evolve. There are so many aspects that spring forth from a healthy Self-Esteem such as the ability to access our inner warrior, our protective energy, our passion, our drive in life. Our life path, Soul purposes depend highly upon a healthy Self-Esteem. Yet so many of us do not know how to activate this inner muscle, how does it feel to have a healthy self-esteem…
The purpose of this powerful Dowsing Key is to bring us to know this vibration and to explore in depth the innermost aspects of this attitude towards oneself. The Key will provide a Dowsing protocol so we can heal ourselves and others and discover the deepest roots of our low self evaluation. It will bring solutions and open avenues to a new way of relating towards oneself. This will help us improve all areas of our lives. Even as dowsers,we will improve our dowsing skills the more we embrace in wholeness the truth of who we are, our glorious being! For how could we help heal others when we ourselves carry still one of the most difficult illnesses of all, lack of self love? Don´t miss this Dowsing Key.
Testimonial from a therapist, Javier:
“I have read and put into practice the key 05 for a healthy self-esteem, along with the knowledge of Barbara’s courses, I can say that I am like a rose, I fell asleep after my self-treatment session and now I am feeling great. It has helped me a lot. I will continue with more sessions to strengthen my self-esteem and I recommend working on self-esteem, because a healthy good self-esteem changes our whole perspective of oneself and allows us to see things under another prism. Thanks Barbara, excellent work and explanation “
Product details:
Ebook in pdf format 78 pages.
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