Dowsing developmental stages Manual


PDF Manual in English


Dowsing developmental stages Manual (PDF, English)

In this manual we address information belonging to the field of psychology and counseling that can help us at the dowsing level to identify developmental phases in the growth and maturation of individuals that may NOT have been surpassed at those corresponding ages. As a result of this, we can detect in our sessions the traces of those wounds, traumas, life experiences that prevented or made it difficult for these people to efficiently activate and integrate the resources that meant overcoming those life phases.

The manual contains information on different theories of human development and a dowsing work protocol that will allow us to navigate through that information, detect in our client when they could not overcome some of those phases, the resources that they now need to update and help at the dowsing-energy level. to allow them to progress in their development and growth.

Of course, this material is not intended to replace the mental-emotional psychological care that those who find themselves in a condition that requires professional intervention at a psychological therapeutic level may need.

This information is only an indicative aid for the dowser.


Manual recommended to:

We recommend this manual for intermediate to advanced level dowsers. More information about our classification in levels of dowsing practice in this LINK







  • A Manual in PDF, English format A6 pages 85





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