Butterflies Attunement


Attunement at a distance


Butterflies “medicine” attunement

In line with other attunements related to shamanic/totemic dowsing, we offer this initiation connected to the “medicine” of butterflies, creatures capable of performing one of the most amazing alchemies that nature offers us: that of passing from a larva or caterpillar state with its own DNA to a butterfly state with a totally different type of genetics. Only by this incredible feat butterflies can contribute much to us at the level of their “medicine”.

Butterfly medicine can help us in periods of great internal transformation, in moments of transition from one state to another of our being, in stages in which we feel vulnerable without seeing the final result of the process in which we find ourselves immersed. Butterflies can be great companions on the subtle plane to help us advance, sometimes blindly through our personal processes.

Butterfly medicine also helps us to relativize the density that we sometimes perceive on our path, to move through the stages of our life with joy and lightness.

Test yourself whether you need this initiation or whether it can be of benefit to you at this time in your life.



  • Attunement transmitted at a distance normally in less than 48h since booking the service through purchasing it. We need the full name, date of birth of the person receiving the attunement. Please write it when placing the order in the NOTES area.
  • Simple manual in PDF with instructions on how to activate the attunement
  • Diploma in PDF

Who is your facilitator for this attunement

We need your full name and date of birth for the attunement. Please check your SPAM box as we will send you an email providing you a date for the attunement. Make sure you write correctly your email 🙂



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