Bioenergetic session with Lecher Antenna



Bioenergetic session with the Lecher Antenna and other radiesthetic resources

In this session we take the teachings received in the Acmos method further, in order to address not only the balancing of the person’s bio-energy fields but also the analysis of psycho-energetic and also spiritual, transpersonal, transgenerational dynamics that can affect the vibrational health of our systems.

The session is held from a distance without the need for the person to be present. We carry out a complete measurement of the person’s different bioenergetic fields and proceed to dialogue with their bioenergetic intelligence to discover the possible causes of their present imbalances. With this, we proceed to provide the vibrational, energetic, and physical solutions that your system may need in order to regain balance.

During the course of the session, information may emerge that helps to raise awareness, which subsequently enhances the integration process of the session.

In the past we offered General bioenergetic balance sessions and on other pages, we offered specialized sessions. To simplify the process, from this same product page you can choose what type of session you need or think you need and tell us in the notes section. These are the options:

A. General Session: we flow with what his bioenergetic field tells us, which will be the priority or priorities that he himself has chosen for the session free of filters and egoic influences.

B. Specific session: The person has a concern, challenge or particular interest in a specific session from among the following available options:

  • Seasonal harmonization: supporting your biofield to regain balance during the equinox/solstice seasons where there is a change in the elemental forces governing each 3 month period.
  • Ancestral Harmonization: the transgenerational influence is very palpable at a bioenergetic level. In this session we address it to reduce this burden transmitted by our lineages.
  • Relationship Session: we harmonize a single person in relation to another (to harmonize two people, there would be two sessions).
  • Feminine session: for issues related to women or the feminine aspect of men
  • Masculine session: for the masculine aspect in both  men and women
  • Creativity Session: to enhance and unlock areas of Creativity
  • Prosperity Session: to help unlock the person’s abundance/prosperity
  • Work/career session: to enhance, unblock this area of the person’s life
  • Life Mission Session: to help eliminate blockages/resistance regarding that vital purpose
  • Soul retrieval Integration of Fragments session: to promote greater body-mind-spirit integration of the person
  • Spiritual expansion session: to help and enhance the process of spiritual growth and maturation of the person at a bioenergetic level.
  • Inner Child Session: to address issues of pre-conception-conception-birth, post-birth, the person’s early childhood and bioenergetic traces of trauma.
  • Name harmonization session: we harmonize the person’s name using all our protocols to release load on the person’s first and last names. (we need a photo of your name and surname, handwritten in your own handwriting, for the graphological bioenergetic analysis)
  • Bioenergetic Life coaching: spoken therapy session where live via Skype/Zoom/Whastapp we can work online with you on areas of your life where you want to find greater clarity, always based on the bioenergetic dialogue that we will establish with you. Please be aware we live in Spain take this into account when finding a suitable time.



  • Bioenergetic session at a distance, 1 to 1.5h
  • Results sent via email after the session in audio and PDF format in English
  • In the area NOTES when purchasing this product, please write down your preferred session General/Specific and which one of the specifics. We also need your full name, date of birth and recent picture of you alone sent via email.


LEGAL NOTE: These sessions are not substitutes to proper medical care and treatment when you have any health, Mental or Psychological condition.

IMPORTANT: We reserve the right of admission of a client if there is a lack of professional rapport client/practitionner.



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