Ancestral Healing session


 At a distance


Ancestral Healing

For many years we have been working bioenergetically with the Lecher Antenna finding deeply engrained ancestral influences that were causing our clients difficulties in all areas of their lives. We are now offering specialized sessions to help our Ancestors resolve their unfinished business which are being reflected in our lives today. By working bioenergetically in support of our Ancestors we are freeing our lives from the heavy load of their traumas and difficulties. Once we clear them, we clear ourselves and we clear our descendants. It is a four-fold process, supporting ascendants, descendants, current generations AND the whole family tree.

This is a highly respectful, sacred and loving work being done in favor of your ancestors and order to free them and yourself from the burdens of the past. Your ancestors will be listened to, attended, helped, supported and lifted into their highest destination which in turn will free all areas of your life wherever their unresolved issues has stagnated you.

These Ancestral healing sessions can:

  • Support the improvement of your economy, business, work
  • Support the improvement of your overall health
  • Support the improvement of your relationships
  • Support the access to your gifts and talents
  • Support your Life Path, Soul Purpose mission, spiritual evolution
  • Support the clearing of blockages and limitations standing in your way
  • Support Karma removal and clearing
  • Support your personal integration, your integration in your family and your society
  • Support enhance and clear your healing journey
  • Support a greater flow of Life force energy within you and of Light

Who is your session facilitator

Testimonial from J, Alaska USA: “I am amazed at the different processes occurring with myself with the Ancestral sessions. It keeps on coming to me that this is really big work. I am now back at words, and it is hard to explain the impact and all that is happening and it is great. thank you!”

Product details:

  • Price per session, at a distance. ( More than one session might be required to clear all your Ancestral issues. We can work as much as you allow us. Even if it is one session, there will be improvements and clearings in your life. Results may vary depending on your own particular Ancestral load. We need a recent picture of you alone, your full name, date of birth and current location. We will celebrate the session at the soonest and most auspicious time for you and your Ancestors).

Photo: Joanna Kosinska



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