Low energy levels? Test your pain body
Our 10th Anniversary! . TESTIMONIALS Hello again Barbara, I'm listening to you from the post posted today on Telegram. It really annoys me not to be able to react or respond there... so the only way is to do it by email....
Merry Christmas
Intuitive message 8/8 portal and beyond
Dowsing Novena for Peace on Earth
DOWSING NOVENA FOR PEACE ON EARTH We are starting a "Dowsing Novena" for Peace on Earth, putting our pendulums in service of a call by our Blessed Mother to help prevent the extension of war on the planet. We can each one focus one day at a time on all...
Dowsing calendar 2024
You can download our Dowsing calendar for 2024 here Dowsing Calendar 2024 Baj Pendulos Pura Presencia
Happy Holidays!
Wishing you a phenomenal winter/xmas holiday season, thank you for your presence and the warm way in which you always welcome our creations! Blessings,
Test page for Online Courses
The Online courses are non refundable. Please run this test prior to paying for a course and check you can see the video and download the document included. Test page Password 88432 If you can see the video, there is no reason...
To dowse or not to dowse?
Are we dowsing for the "right" reasons? Click the image for youtube video (like share, suscribe! thanks!)
Happy November
Psychoenergetic and spiritual support help for Middle East situation DOWNLOAD THE IMAGE THROUGH THIS LINK; Image with healing Imagen con frecuencias sanadoras
List of Manuals in Pdf English
ALL OUR MANUALS ARE SOLD IN PDF This list allows you to see on a single page all the manuals that we have released in English (We have these same manuals in Spanish). We will try to update it as we add new titles. Remember that our Online Courses also have manuals as...
Clearing negative thought waves
Trapped by the fixer, bioenergetic session
Comnents on a bioenergetic session where the person is trapped by the archetype of the "fixer" and how relevant it is for many of us, therapists, bioenergetic practitionners, energy workers, healers
North node aries, south node in libra intuitive message
June energies and dowsing work
Yeshua, a promise and a practice
Counting of the Omer
The Omer count in 2023 which we held on our social media can be used for other years, simply ignore the date of the gregorian count and use it for the next Omer count. The energetic dynamics of each Omer day will still be valid for future years and counts Here is the...
Care for your Soul
With the next full Moon, tomorrow, we will hit a strong astrological change, although it will not be "permanent" at the moment. It is about Pluto in Capricorn... for those of you (we have) had this position strongly determining our astral charts, it is possible that...
Attunement of the pendulums
This image shows where to write your name and date of birth for the attunement of the pendulums, set of labels or other products which require a personalization such as the Attunements.
Attunement combinations
IDEAS. With the attunements that we offer you can combine them in a powerful "combo" to clean your aura for example. Three attunements that I have used lately and that I find make an excellent synergy are these: -Violet Flame -Cristic Acid -Healing Roses. First I...
how to request attunement to pendulums
When purchasing our pendulums you can request them to be attuned to you. Please write your full name and date of birth when filling your details on the shopping cart, on the red area as shown in the image below:
Dowsing calendar 2023
You can download the 2023 calendar through this link: Dowsing Calendar Year 2023 All months Pura Presencia BAJ
Insights 2023
Insights 2023 For those who this might help... We are discovering subtle forms of abuse and seeing how Humanity is under a strong Stockholm Syndrome that makes it justify the abuses received, which paralyzes all forms of resolution thereof, and keeps people in vicious...
Results group session 2023 Goals
Group Session Manifesting our 2023 goals
Free group session SUPPORT MANIFESTING YOUR 2023 GOALS Date Saturday December 31st 2022 at 10 AM Madrid Spain time Session in the distance (not recorded, not live) Who can join: Those who write their name under this original post in the following social media...
Results Group Session
Session held on the 23rd Dec 2022
Group session Light Bath Dec 23rd
Free group session LIGHT BATH Date Friday Dec, 23rd 2022 Time: 18h Madrid Spain Session in the distance (not recorded, not live) Who can join: Those who write their name under this original post in the following link. Ask permission from those you add (family,...
Pendulum classification in levels of practice
As a guide we have classified our pendulums into levels of use. Obviously the most advanced dowser can do wonders with the most basic tool. But this classification is aimed more at those novice or intermediate level practitioners who have some insecurity when...
Dowsing practitioner levels
Dowsing levels on our page and our products For Dowsing courses and manuals (for an indicative classification of pendulums by level you can read the information in this LINK) We establish these levels especially for people who have a very basic level, so that they...
Lion´s portal energy dynamics until 11th August
Perceptions in the Leo Portal tunnel on August 11 We are still in the tunnel and situations continue to occur in which we are triggered. From what I perceive, the main trigger is on the Ego so that we identify with it and by doing so we cause a fissure with the...
Free Group Session April 24th 2022
Free group session LIGHT BATH Date Sunday April 24th 2022 Time: 18h Madrid Spain Session in the distance (not recorded, not live) Who can join: Those who write their name under either of the following links: Facebook Youtube Instragram If you add friends, family, ask...
Results group session Feb 26th 2022
Group Session Love Light Bath 26th Feb
Free group session LOVE LIGHT BATH Date : Feb 26th 2022 (Saturday) Time: 17h Madrid Spain Session in the distance (not recorded, not live) Who can join: Those who write their name under this original post in FACEBOOK, or YOUTUBE, or INSTAGRAM. Ask permission...
Results group session Light Bath
Group session Light bath Feb 13th
Free group session LIGHT BATH Date: Sunday, Feb 13th 2022 Time: 18h Madrid Spain time Session in the distance (not recorded, not live) Who can join: Those who write their name under this Facebook post or else this Youtube post, or else this Instagram post. Ask...
Results group session Jan 16th
Group session energetic support 16th Jan
Free group session ENERGETIC SUPPORT Date January 16th, 2022 Time: 18h Madrid Spain time Session in the distance (not recorded, not live) Who can join: Those who write their name under this original FACEBOOK post and those singing in through Youtube under this...
Watch for your consent,its worth gold…or silver…or platinum
Friendly reminder of the power of your consent and how important this is and is being played out precisely now with the global situation. Humanity is going to have to learn to become sovereign by reclaiming back the power of individual consent and in order to do this,...
Results Emotional Healing group session
Intuitive message energies Solstice December 2021
Seasonal Greetings and message
Throughout this year and since this whole Covidian situation began, we have tried to support you in different ways: 1. Creating free group sessions transmitting light, emotional support and other vibrational frequencies. 2. Accompanying you with audios and...
Group healing session Dec, 23rd 2021
Free group session EMOTIONAL SUPPORT Date 23rd December Time: 18 PM Madrid Spain Session in the distance (not recorded, not live) Who can join: Those who write their name under this original FACEBOOK post in the following link. Or else sign in on Youtube through this...
Results Group session Divine Love 12-12-12
Group Session Divine Love 12/12/12
Group Session DIVINE LOVE Date Sunday December 12 at 12h in Madrid Spain Session in the distance (It is not live or recorded) Session purpose: transmit Divine Love to those who sign up under this post and thus help them on their way at a vibrational and spiritual...
On lies and values
We may wake up to the reality that the History they told us is a tremendous lie in the spiritual, the scientific, the political, the historical, the social, the geographical ... whatever you look at it ... Many people will fall into a crisis of cognitive dissonance...
Dowsing and Vibration
I say this often, dowsing is much more important than we think. Of course the one that we promote in Pura Presencia Baj-Pendulos. The creators of false realities use the narrative, the words to weave their spells with those that bind us so that with our energy...
Results Light Bath
RESULTS GROUP SESSION, LIGHT BATH Held on November 26th 2021 The goodness of this session was also transmitted to your animal friends. We worked with the following pendulums: Magdalene, transmitting the frequencies of the Magenta Ray, supporting the integration in...
Free Group Session Light bath
Free group session LIGHT BATH Date Friday 26 Nov 2021 Time: 18h from Madrid Spain Session in the distance (not recorded, not live) Who can join: Those who write their name under this FACEBOOK POST or else this YOUTUBE POST. Ask permission from those you add (family,...
the fall of Atlantis, guilt and the future
You are not to blame for the fall of Atlantis and the encapsulation in space-time of the Earth and all its inhabitants, including the dark beings who partly plotted the destruction of this space. But ... you may have the solution. In fact, you may have incarnated...
10 pointers for the current situation
If we want to solve the situation we have, here are some essential points to move forward faster and better: 1- Get out of fear, take hold of the inner Peace that we all have inside 2- Less media exposure to catastrophobic news, conscious rejection of those...
Dowse for the hot spot in your room /winter cold
Now that winter is coming in the northern hemisphere and the dystopian agenda is skyrocketing with the fear of blackouts and more Perhaps you are considering the original use of candle techniques to enhance the heat of the space. We offer you a tip: each space has a...
Results Emotional Support Session
RESULTS Group session Emotional Support 7 Nov 2021 General baseline measurements of the participant group: Current level of emotional trauma 8.1 out of 10. Of that number, what is the level of trauma that is due to the current situation? 9.1 To what degree are we...
False Akashic Records?
Well, heck yes...there are... a lesson for us to practice great discernment.
Group Session Emotional Support Nov 7th
GROUP SESSION EMOTIONAL SUPPORT Date: Sunday, November 7, 2021 Session in the distance not recorded, not live Who can participate: All those who write their name under the FACEBOOK post or else the Youtube Post . If you list family and friends, do so with...
Energies of November, insights
Earth clears toxins aswell
The Earth also releases toxins and performs periodic purges, these can affect us if we are not aware that this density is circulating in us and our spaces. We can also feel the call to help the earth through processes and practices that we may each know such as...
Results group session Ancestors
ANCESTORS GROUP SESSION We have transmitted Light, Love, healing energies to 12 generations of the female lineage and 12 generations of the male lineage of each participant. It was a long process. Once finished, we harmonized the relationship of each participant with...
Measurements related to the liberation of Humanity
General measurements based on resonance for all the earth and all humanity on a simple scale from 0 to 10 as of today November 1, 2021 (They are not absolute truths, they are estimates that can fluctuate). Current cleaning level of tunnels where human beings and other...
Free Group session ancestors Nov 1st 2021
FREE GROUP SESSION ANCESTORS Date: Nov 1st 2021 Time: 19h Madrid Spain time At a distance session Session purpose: Provide spiritual energetic luminous support to 12 generations of our ancestors in the masculine and feminine lineage, honoring them through the healing...
The Gates of prison are open are you stepping out?
Dowse before visiting the dentist
The good thing about Dowsing is that you can work in Time (We have a manual about it) Remember before going to the dentist, test your level of empathy with all the fear accumulated in the consultation of these specialists, specifically in the seat where, like you,...
A message from Metatron
Soul wound Manual video presentation
A September 21 Equinox message
Energies Mid September 2021
September 2021 energies
Results Light Bath and message
Group session Light Bath August 29th
GROUP SESSION LIGHT BATH Special session focused on the liberation of fears Date: Sunday 29 August 2021 Time: 18h Madrid Spain Session in the distance (It is not recorded or live or live) Who can participate: Anyone who signs up under the original post at the...
A Dowsing question on Discernement…
A good time to have a chart such as this one at hand. We are being "informationally" challenged right and left... time to use our discerning capacities and make sense to what we are living from a collective and individual perspective! Good luck sassing out what...
Results Light Bath group session
Group Session Light Bath
Group session: Light Bath transmission When: Sunday August 1st 2021 Time: 19h Madrid Spain time (calculate your time zone if you want to be tuned in) What is this about: a free energy transmission of Divine Light and other luminous frequencies to help us in all...
New Manual on Cords of Attachment and other oppressive ties Audio Presentation
Results Group Session Soul Doula
Pendulum used NESHAMA, Hebrew Pendulum of Pura Presencia
A new Shungite Message 6th July 2021 a Shungite Message about current situations and Humanity
Group session Soul Doula July 11th
NEW GROUP SESSION HEALING OUR SOULS SOUL DOULA GROUP SESSION Date: July 11, 2021, Sunday Time 18H from Madrid Spain Session in the distance No video, no direct Session Purpose: Help the Souls of the people who sign up through the work that we propose with the Soul...
Results group session Light Bath
Light bath group session 4th July
GROUP SESSION LIGHT BATH DATE: July 4, 2021 Time: 18h Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone) Session in the distance (Not recorded, not online) Who can participate: Those who write their name under the original post in this FACEBOOK link....
Results group session Body Elemental
Negative thinking Wave Removal
Vibrational code to help you remove the impact of Negative thinking waves More info in this audio: Same info in video
Harmony code and current energies
Free Group Session Body Elemental
FREE GROUP SESSION BODY ELEMENTAL. Date: Sunday June 27, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone). Session at a distance Who can participate: Whoever points their name under this post following this Facebook link:...
Presentation Body Elemental Pendulum
A quasi Shungite message
A new Shungite message June 2021
Isis, the Great Mother
Isis, the reflection of the Great Mother It is absolutely incredible how this reality has reviled the Great Mother, the Divine Feminine in the multiple representations of her according to the different cultures of the world. She who has given us life, who remains in...
Kwan Yin, a message
Search inside where you lack compassion for yourself and start the movement of Loving all those nooks and crannies of your Being that wait for you to attend to them. You look for guides outside of yourself, mothers or fathers who support you by giving you information,...
Free energy protector
We have performed a global healing for Lightworkers in order to help them experience greater levels of freedom from an energetic stand point and in order to Protect their Light bodies, DNA and whole energy field. You can claim the results of this healing...
Results Group Session Purification
RESULTS GROUP SESSION AND MESSAGE IN AUDIO Pendulums used: Violet Flame, Ascension, Hamba by Pura Presencia You can use this INTEGRITY TERMOMETER TO GAUGE WHERE YOU ARE AT
Group Session Purification 9th May 21
GROUP SESSION: PURIFICATION WHEN: May 9th 2021 at 18h Madrid Spain time (calculate your timezone) Purpose: To help purify the energy field of those signing in. To purify means to clean, to rise our frequencies Who can sign in: those who write their names under...
Results Divine Mother´s blessing session
SESSION RESULTS DIVINE MOTHER BLESSING We have transmitted the Blessings of the Divine Mother to all the targeted people. The transmission has been at the energetic and spiritual level and in addition to that, the Mother has asked us to transmit...
Group Session Divine Mother blessing
GROUP SESSION Divine Mother Blessing When: 2nd May 2021 Time: 18h Madrid Spain Time Who can participate: Those who sign their name under the original post in FACEBOOK or else on YOUTUBE Session´s purpose: To transmit the Blessings of Divine Mother her...
Dowsing chart for Radionic Discs
We have created this Dowsing chart to help you select the Radionic discs that you may need from Pura Presencia. You can ask in the short, medium and long term which disc(s) will benefit me, my clients, family-friends and my pets? This will help you make a more...
Results Group Session Whales and Dolphins
SESSION RESULTS We have worked with the Pendulums Violet Flame, Dolphin, Whale and Hamba Divine Love, as well as with the Radionic disk Whales and Dolphins. We have worked to help our emotional body, to relieve it of dense energy, dense emotions and any other...
Charging singing bowls with our Radionic discs
New use of our Radionic Discs with Singing Bowls Here is what you can also do with our Radionic Discs which have a size that matches very well the base of the Singing bowls, be it in metal or in Quartz. You can select the Radionic Disc that you feel you need or your...
Group session Emotional support with whales and dolphins
GROUP SESSION EMOTIONAL SUPPORT Dolphins and Whales Date: Sunday 25 April 2021 Time: 18h Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone) Session purpose: to provide emotional support with the healing energy of whales and dolphins, to those who sign up both on FACEBOOK and...
Integration of fragments how important this is!
Dowsing Manual Integration of Fragments
Results Home Blessing group session
We have worked eliminating dense energy as far as we can with the Violet Flame pendulum. We have transmitted Pure Divine Light with the Essene Pendulum, Pure Agape Divine Love with the Essene Pendulum, We have performed an Essene blessing. We have transmitted...
Group session Home blessing
GROUP SESSION BLESSING THE HOME Date: April 18, 2021, Sunday Time: 18h Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone) Session in the distance It is not on video or live Purpose session Bless our spaces with luminous energies, facilitate the release of dense energy....
Group session Light Bath April 11th
FREE GROUP SESSION Light Bath DATE: Sunday 11 April 2021 Time: 18h Madrid Spain Calculate your time zone if you want to be aware Transmission in the distance (not video, not recorded) Session purpose. Transmit Divine Light to help all people in their paths, processes...
Happy Easter holidays
Wishing you all a phenomenal Easter Holiday... for those in the Christian Tradition, may the Love of Christ shine bright in your hearts igniting your Spirit in the Light of Truth, Hope, Faith, Strength, Wisdom, Love and Compassion. For those in other...
Results Group session Solar Angels Light and Love Bath
RESULTS GROUP SESSION SOLAR ANGELS LIGHT AND LOVE ENERGETIC BATH We have worked with more than a hundred participants, mainly listed on the Facebook page, with the Essene pendulum, the Pendulum of Divine Love, Hamba and the Solar Angels Radionic Disc....
Group session Light and Love Bath 28th March 2021
FREE GROUP SESSION LIGHT AND LOVE BATH When: Sunday 28th March 2021 at 18h Madrid Spain time (calculate your time zone if you want to be "present" during the session at a distance) Who can sign into the session: those who write their name under the FACEBOOK...
A bioenergetic anniversary to heal
Trapped by the Fixer, a bioenergetic session
Supporting a person in hosp with the bug
We´ve been asked to support bioenergetically a lady in hospital with the "bug" via our Bioenergetic sessions. As we have written in the Corona V protocol, there is a component of biological conflicts coming up with this "condition". The body trying to resolve...
A healing experience with our Bach Flowers Dowsing Chart Sheet
A student and felow dowser reports of a success helping a dog by means of our Bach Flower Dowsing chart which has impregnated the essence of the Bach Flowers from their purest form for us to be able to work with our pendulums and other ways,. Here is his story...
Radionic Disc Health and Regeneration
We have high hopes for this Radionic Health and Regeneration disc. We have worked in a session with the Lecher Antenna in the distance with a person hospitalized on the other side of the world to balance his energy fields in the face of the condition he...
Medicine Buddha radionic disc
This plant has undergone a radical change since we have put it under the radionic disk of the Medicine Buddha. For months her size remained contained and almost refrained to her small pot. Now, its growth that was stagnant and sluggish has multiplied over...
Preparing the Essene Pendulum Online Course
Each course that we prepare, specially those that have a strong Spiritual component require from us a deep inmersion into the Mystery teachings, the Luminous teachings of Light, in order to perform the internal alchemy and the process that needs to take place before a...
Testing dust falling from “the sky”
We have been testing with some other dowsers the dust falling from the skies in certain areas of the world. Some official sources say the dust is just sand dust coming from northern Africa and hitting Europe but... eventhough this is partially accurate, there...
Happy Women´s day and the feminine in men!
Happy Women´s day and the feminine in Men!!! Dowsing and pendulum healing can help a lot clear issues that we may have in relationship to our feminine side. Here is a list of pendulums and other resources from our web page that can help in...
Dowsing card for the week March 8th to March 14th
The card selected as an inspiration to work in Dowsing and Pendulum Healing this week, selected for the readers of our pages is the Cleaning of the Central Channel card that connects us with the Cosmos, aligns us in our cosmo-telluric axis and allows the...
Results Group session Cleaning the Psyche March 7th 21
GROUP SESSION RESULTS PSYQUE CLEANING Sunday 7 March 2021 On a scale from 0 to 10, the general level of cleanliness of the group's Psyche was before the start of the session at 4.3 out of 10, 10 being the level of perfect cleanliness. We have worked with the...
How to Anchor and seal in pendulum healing work
Group session Cleaning the Psyche March 7th 21
Group session Cleaning the Psyche Date: Sunday 7 March 2021 Time: 18h Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone) at a distance: It is NOT recorded or online. Session purpose: With the Oniris Pendulum specialized in working the Psyche, dreams, we are going to help...
Results Violet Flame pendulum transmutation session
GROUP SESSION RESULTS VIOLET FLAME TRANSMUTATION We have worked with the Pendulum of the Violet Flame with more than 100 people listed on different lists for this session. We have worked to cleanse and purify dense energy from the different layers of the aura,...
A testimonial about the Essene pendulum, Rahma
"I have long wanted to share with you an experience I had with the Essene pendulum. Since I bought it I leave it on the bedside table because sometimes I feel the need to connect with it before going to sleep. I once had a nightmare where I was running and...
A Violet flame pendulum experience
Many areas of the world are currently being cleared from very dense energies that have been rampant since eons. A huge clearing operation is underway from different dimensions of existence in support of the Earth. Yesterday we worked with the Violet Flame pendulum...
Group session Violet Flame Transmutation
GROUP SESSION VIOLET FLAME TRANSMUTATION Date: Sunday 28 February 2021 Time: 18H Madrid Spain Session in the distance if you want to be pending calculate your time zone Session purpose: to help transmute dense energy that the participants might hold in their energy...
Dowsing card of the week Fed 22, 21
Be attentive this week to the visible or subtle manifestation of the result of blockages, traumas, sabotage and self-sabotage that could disturb the progress of our destiny, our vital project, the things on which we are focused. Without fear of it, we can...
Spiritual micro-disconnections
There are current internet and electric micro-disconnections happening that are also being mirrored in our own energy fields by Spiritual micro-disconnections, little moments of disconnection from Source,the Truth of our Being. our Divine connection, our...
Tune into the White of Gratitude
Sometimes the most simplest of practices is what makes the shift you need. Here is a message for you to remember to tune to the vibration of GRATITUDE and engage the White radiesthetic color reflected by this divine attitude of thankfulness. A simple conscious...
Light Bath group session
Light Bath Group session FREE When: Sunday February 21st 2021 Time: 18h Madrid Spain time (calculate your time zone with time converter online) Purpose of the session. To transmit luminous energies and frequencies, Divine Light to those participating Who can...
Gematria of Dowsing
Well well well, it cannot get any better than this.. Look at what I found through researching numbers...The gematria of Dowsing brings us into close encounter with God Source and Revelations... Now you ALL know how sacred this Art is once you learn it from...
Recording one two three!
Prep work for recording our new online Course on Dream Dowsing. Already recorded in Spanish. Once recorded we edit we have minor editing as we tend to flow quite well and we launch! After this we prepare the Essene pendulum Online Course which we can't wait to...
A message for this week: Hold onto your Sacred Space
A message for this week: Hold your sacred space. The message we have received for this week is to hold our sacred space. Maintain our internal and external position reflecting who we are, what are the values and vibrations that we consider sacred and that we...
A Dowsing card reflecting current energies…
A Dowsing card that we have selected NOW for you who reads us. The Card connected with the Inner Master, the spirit guides ... What can this card convey to us right now? Those people who are anguished, stressed, worried, confused ... this card might tells us several...
Results group session rigid mental patterns
GROUP SESSION RESULTS RIGID PATTERNS At the group level, the level of rigidity of the mental patterns that you chose to work on in this session was 5/10, 10 being the maximum level of rigidity, so within what is possible they were not enormously rigid, so you may have...
Group session Rigid mental patterns January 31st 2021
GROUP SESSION RIGID MENTAL PATTERNS Date: Sunday 31 January 2021 Time: 18h Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone) Session purpose: To help free the minds of those who sign up for this session from those rigid mental patterns that they select to work on in this...
Full Moon in Leo dowsing insights
FULL MOON IN LEO January 28, 2021 I have asked with the Dowsing Cards for General Testing of Pura Presencia, what we have to do (the people reading this page) to go through the Full Moon of Leo and receive the best of the gifts and gifts that can come to us...
Results group session Divine Love
GROUP SESSION RESULTS DIVINE LOVE January 24, 2021 We have transmitted the Vibrations of Divine Love to all the layers of the subtle anatomy of the targeted people, to the inner Child of each one of us, to the Mind and the Heart at all levels of our Being. We...
Free group session Divine Love
FREE GROUP SESSION DIVINE LOVE When: Sunday January 24th 2021 Time: 18h Madrid Spain time, calculate your zone with a time zone converter Purpose of the Session: to transmit the vibration of Divine Love to our energy fields for our highest good.with the Hamba...
Results group session light bath
We have worked transmitting Divine Light through different procedures, including the Mahasiddha pendulum, the pendulum of the Archangels, the Shambhala pendulum, the Magdalene pendulum. It has also been necessary to carry out an Angelic protection with the Rahma...
Group session Light Bath 17th Jan 21
GROUP SESSION LIGHT BATH Date: January 17th 2021, at 18h Madrid Spain time, calculate your time zone with time converters online Who can participate: those who sign in through the FACEBOOK LINK or else the YOUTUBE LINK Session purpose: to support vibrationally...
Results group session Resolutions 2021
RESULTS GROUP SESSION ENHANCE RESOLUTIONS 2021 Before starting on a scale of 0 to 10, the group was 4.3 points out of 10 from meeting their resolutions, that is, 5.7 points are missing from reaching the resolutions focused upon for this year. We have worked...
Results grief and loss group session
We have worked with the Esenio, Oniris and Mahasiddha pendulums Those people actively suffering a grieving situation, pain due to loss were suffering it in a 9 out of 10 before starting the session We have worked to release encapsulated crystallized memories, to undo...
Group session: Manifesting your 2021 resolutions
GROUP SESSION Manifesting your resolutions 2021 Date: January 7, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone) Who can participate: those who write their name and their purposes in the two lists that we have either on FACEBOOK in this post, or on YOUTUBE...
What is the Base Radiesthetic color of 2021?
WHITE is going to be the BASE radiesthetic color of the year 2021, that is the DOMINANT color from a radiesthetic perspective! This Information helps us to harmonize with the RADIESTHETIC COLOR and align with its radiation to enhance all our projects, objectives and...
Dowsing cards for a New Year party
You prepare yourself to celebrate, people around you are already in the swing of "party" but you... you... there is something off, something in your shoulder bugging you... You grab your Dowsing Cards and BOOOM... An influence from a Past Life!! Now you...
Group session grief and loss Jan 3rd 21
GROUP SESSION GRIEF AND LOSS For those we lost, for those who lost someone... Date: January 2, 21, at 6:00 p.m. Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone with online time converter) Who can join: all those who feel they need support for a loss either from this year or...
Be aware of the info/disinfo currently…
The volume of Disinfo/ misinformation right now is brutal ... The good thing about Dowsing cards is that we will be able to speak in code avoiding those new inquisitors of Big Tech ... There is an avalanche of info, desinfo, with a view to confusing us even more than...
You are a stuart, a vibrational guardian protector
People are becoming more psychic without realizing it. A lady stopped me yesterday and said I should come more often to the area where I was visiting. She said "we need you". Now this is an unusual statement, she doesnt even "know" me. But she senses the vibrations...
Celebrating our true essence!
You might believe in Yeshua, the Christ or you may not,either way you can celebrate your true essence!!! For me, Yeshua is a Living principle of absolute Love and Goodness, an aspect of Source that incarnated in flesh to help us recover our true essence. For...
Merry Christmas Dowsing fam!
Dear Dowsing fam!!! Wishing you all a phenomena Christmas time. What a year!!!! Let´s celebrate that we made it!!! We are more awakened, more empowered and more sovereign thanks to ALL that we managed to SEE in this 2020 year of VISION. We wanted to see? Well,...
Results Light Bath group session
RESULTS GROUP SESSION LIGHT BATH we have worked with three pendulums: -Archangels -Mahasiddha pendulum -Essene pendulum To carry out different transmissions of DIVINE LIGHT, to the mental, emotional, etheric, astral, physical bodies of the participants. We have also...
Keep the Elderly in your heart and Mind this Xmas
This Christmas there will be elderly kept in confinement without being able to visit their loved ones. Some of them have been confined almost all year, and some under very difficult circumstances. We have been offering to them free group healing sessions during this...
First Dowsing card reading
FIRST READING OF THE DOWSING CARDS You have been the ones who I focused on to get the FIRST READINGof the Dowsing cards asking what do you need to work with your pendulums at the moment, or what do you need to focus on or what is happening to you at a general...
Meditating with the Heavenly Father radionic disc
Good morning! "What a precious meditation holding over my heart the Disc of the Heavenly Father. If we are of a "shamanic nature "or inclined to" travel "in our consciousness we can perceive the dimension of the Father. In this meditation he showed me...
Light Bath group session Dec, 23rd 2020
GROUP SESSION LIGHT BATH, CHRISTMAS LIGHT Date: Dec 23, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Madrid Spain (Calculate your time zone with Online time converter) Session purpose: to transmit a bath of Divine Light to the people who sign up under this...
Divine Mother´s jelly, a radionic experience
Divine Mother´s Jelly An excellent low-calorie dessert that we can make in a vegan version if we opt for Agar, Agar with blueberry infusion (several sachets to make it strong in color and flavor) and lemon juice (In stores they sell the animal protein version...
This Christmas, in the face of fear, choose Love
This Christmas in the face of Fear we are going to choose LOVE. And you can interpret it however you want ... personally I am going to celebrate with whom I consider my family and I am going to ignore the fear mongerers and haters who attempt to brain wash me by...
Universal goodness..
Do you want to get closer to God? ... contemplate his essence, his values, his "personality", because they are always stable, unchanging ... they simply are ... One of its qualities is to always watch over the Universal Good. If you manage to get out of the particular...
Group session results Inner Silence
GROUP SESSION RESULTS INNER SILENCE We have worked with all the bodies, mental, emotional, etheric, astral, causal, spiritual and physical not only with the vibration of the Inner Silence but with other vibrations to help us to let go and harmonize ourselves, and...
Group session Inner Silence Dec, 6th 2020
GROUP SESSION INTERIOR SILENCE Date: Sun 6 December 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Madrid Spain Calculate your time zone although you do not need to be aware of the session (Use an online time converter). You will receive the benefits of the session if you sign up. Session...
Results group session Oniris Nov, 29th 2020
GROUP SESSION RESULTS ONIRIS PENDULUM Session focus: Help clean the psyche of the participants of all the negative experiences this year due to the "bug", the global situation. RESULTS We have worked in a simple way with the group of participants, more than 100...
Neutral Pendulum versus Simplified Universal pendulum
It has been brought to my attention that certain Societies of Dowsers are confusing what a Neutral Pendulum is, and they are "selling" a Simplified Universal Pendulum" as a neutral pendulum when it is NOT. A Neutral pendulum is a de-polarized specific tool. A...
Group session with the Oniris pendulum Nov, 29th 2020
ONIRIS PENDULUM GROUP SESSION At a distance session, not live nor on video Date: Sunday 29 November 2020 Time: 18h Madrid Spain In the distance (It is not Skype or zoom or video) calculate your time zone with a time zone converter Who can join: all those who...
Manipulating through brain hemispheres…
A famous singer has been criticized in Spain and accused of being "mad" because he doesn´t agree with the official narrative that is being implanted globally on Earth. This is just a reflection of how manipulation of society goes, by separating and dividing the...
To what degree I allow others to undermine my personal Sovereignty?
We are immersed in a psychological war, whoever does not want to see it, is sinning blind or their level of programming is so great that they cannot read the codes of manipulation. The trick of those who are actively acting in warfare against the world's...
Group session Light Bath and Essene blessings Nov 15th 2020
GROUP SESSION DIVINE LIGHT AND ESSENE BLESSINGS BATH Date: Sunday 15 Nov 2020 Time: 18h Madrid Spain (calculate your time) Group session in the distance Who can join: All those who leave their name under the original post in the following link in Facebook:...
Your current role…
Observe the "pulls" that the consensual reality that seems to be living collectively in these moments hits, looking for you to give your energy to such a party, such another, such a situation, such another, such a scenario of future events or such another. Call...
Essene pendulum testimonial
Essene Pendulum Testimonial A very attuned person with good subtle perception writes us to whom we ask for his assessment of the labels that accompany the Essene Pendulum. labels are felt internally. 1) they have a very high vibration that only their...
What can I do? Hold the Light
--Flower from my Australian garden. Text "The Fruit of Paradise grows in my garden, I offer it to you, Barbara"-- This morning in contemplation I asked Source what we can do to help these delicate days that we are going to live. His/Her message has been simple and...
November Spiritual gifts
Positive influences in November Changing "tune" a few years ago, I began to notice that November was a month in which spiritual gifts descended. I noticed it with the Harmonic Concordance from a few years ago, in 2003. Since then, every month of November I...
A chaos wave
We are detecting a Chaos Wave that possibly lasts at this intensity for about three days. It is important to surf this wave as calmly and serenely as possible, slowing down our actions, movements and doing them with full awareness and intentionality. The way to...
Hold vibrational Peace now
For those of you who wonder what you can do in the face of the situation we are experiencing (however we define it, from the paradigm from which we observe our reality), one of the best actions we can do at this time is to focus on PEACE. Those who define...
A 15 days practice: From head to heart
FROM HEAD TO HEART / A 15-day practice I am doing this practice personally and I thought of sharing it with you and that we walk in it together. For 15 days, I propose that throughout the day the more times the better, you stop for a moment and do the...
Results Light Bath session 14 th Oct 2020
RESULTS LIGHT BATH SESSION Hundreds of persons signed into this Light Bath session from both pages the Spanish Facebook page of Baj Pendulos and the English one. We worked with the Ascension pendulum transmitting Ascending Light into all layers of your being,...
Light Bath Free group session Oct 14th 2020
GROUP SESSION LIGHT BATH Date Wednesday October 14, 2020 Time: 19h from Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone) Who can join: anyone who puts their name under this post in FACEBOOK or else in YOUTUBE If you are going to add family, friends, do so with their...
October red, yet blue skies
MONTH OF OCTOBER / ENERGIES One month before the US elections, we are faced with one of the most complicated months of the year, not only at the political level but also at the level of Light and Darkness, at the level of the tensions that we have accumulated...
Results grief and loss group session 1st Oct 2020
RESULTS GROUP SESSION GRIEF LOST PAIN Date: Oct 1, 2020, We have worked to alleviate the pain, the painful memories of grief situations, pain loss of loved ones, projects, jobs, loss situations that the people named in the session have experienced. We have worked with...
Free group session grief and loss 1st Oct 2020
FREE GROUP SESSION GRIEF AND LOSS (energy and spiritual support session) When. 1st Oct 2020 at 19h Madrid Spain time (calculate your time zone) Purpose session: provide energetic and spiritual emotional support to those who have lost someone in their lives. This...
Group session Elderly support 27th Sept 2020
GROUP SESSION SUPPORTING THE ELDERLY DURING THE CURRENT SITUATION. Date: 27 Sept 2020, time 19h in the distance Support session for all the elderly, especially those who are confined to their homes or in residences with limited contact and human warmth from their...
Big shifts in the Astral plane
Big changes occuring in the Astral plane for the highest good of all. The changes are still creating a transitioning Astral plane but it will stabilize in something MUCH BETTER according to my perceptions and measurements. Hang in there, do not dispair in the...
Free group session Inner Smile 24th Sept 2020
INNER SMILE FREE GROUP SESSION DATE: Thursday 24 Sept 2020 Time: 19h Madrid Spain (in the distance, calculate your time by time difference) Who can participate: All those who sign up under the original post by following the link that we put below. Ask...
Results Back to School group support session
GROUP SESSION RESULTS BACK TO SCHOOL We have worked with 2 pendulums and a transmission of vibratory frequencies without a pendulum. The pendulums used: Archangels and Mahasiddha We have transmitted Divine Love, worked to release energy and physical toxins,...
Group Session Back to School 8th Sept 2020
GROUP SESSION BACK TO SCHOOL Date: 8 Sept 2020 Time: 19h Madrid Spain Session in the distance (calculate your time zone) Who can participate: Parents, teachers and through parents, children To protect the privacy of children, you can sign up only parents and we...
Sesión grupal vuelta al cole 8 Sept 2020
SESION GRUPAL VUELTA AL COLE Fecha: 8 Sept 2020 Hora: 19h Madrid España Sesión en la distancia (calcula tu zona horaria) Quien puede participar: Padres, profesores y a través de los padres, los hijos.Para proteger la intimidad de los niños, podéis apuntaros solo los...
Free group session support current situation Sept 6th 2020
FREE GROUP SESSION IN SUPPORT CURRENT SITUATION Date Sunday 6 September 2020 Time: 19h Madrid Spain Session in distance (calculate your time zone) We close the list of participants 30 min before we start by deleting this from Facebook post....
Elders, permanent group session
ELDERLY GROUP PERMANENT SESSION When you see this post, you know that we are going to work supporting the elderly around the world due to the global situation of the alleged bug and the confinement measures to which they are subjected in sometimes dramatic situations....
A dowsing question…
If there was a time when the healing tool of forgiveness will help us to successfully travel through this period that we are living, it is NOW. In recent months we have accumulated a lot of indignation over different issues and open fronts that invite us to...
Results group session Divine Light and strength (Aug, 19th 2020)
GROUP SESSION RESULTS DIVINE LIGHT AND DIVINE FORCE We have carried out through various methods, a transmission of Divine Light and Strength, to support us all in the collective and individual situation that we are living. We have also transmitted some luminous...
Group Session Light Bath and fortitude Aug, 19th 2020
THANKS FOR SHARING GROUP SESSION SUPPORT Date: August 19, 2020 Local time: 19h Madrid Spain (calculate your area) Session at a distance. We close the list of participants 30 min before starting DELETING THIS POST. Session purpose: to transmit a bath of Divine Light...
Mother´s day, 15th Aug 2020
In many parts of the world today is a day for The Mother ... I was sitting outside in the open air letting myself be caressed by the wind that gently touched my arms and I let myself be inspired by The Divine Mother and her message for today ... "I love you, I love...
Our pendulums for freedom
Dowsing transmission for LIBERTY We have sent a global transmission of energy with our pendulums (new pendulums yeah!) in support of all the manifestations taking place all over the world, in favor of TRUE Liberty, putting an end to corruption and manipulation of...
Group session Divine Love Spiritual support Aug, 13th 2020
GROUP SESSION DIVINE LOVE-SPIRITUAL SUPPORT Date: Thursday 13 August 2020 Time: 19h from Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone) Who can join: anyone who puts their name under this original post by following this FACEBOOK link:...
Results Light Bath session Augusto 4th 2020
LIGHT BATH SESSION RESULTS We have transmitted a bath of Divine Light and Grace Light through the pendulum of the Archangels and our own connection to the Source.Normally we work with more tools but today the transmission has only been made through this...
Tips bioenergéticos situación global 2 Agosto 2020
Light Bath group session Aug 4th 2020
GROUP SESSION Light Bath Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Time: 19h Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone) In the distance (you don't have to be anywhere or pay anything) WE CLOSE THE LIST 30 MIN BEFORE BEGIN DELETING THIS POST Who can sign up: All those who put...
The Storm is upon us, new Galactic year the Storm
Today is the day of No time in the Mayan calendar, a time for quiet introspection, synthesis and integration of the entire year...a time to empy ourselves in the Cosmic Womb of the Great Mother, to be renewed tomorrow with the beginning of a New Galactic Year, this...
Free group session Light Bath Lift your Mood July 19th 2020
FREE GROUP SESSION Lift your Mood /Light Bath session Date: Sunday, July 19, 2020 Time: 19h Madrid Spain, calculate your time zone Session in the distance Session purpose: Help all people suffering mentally, emotionally, energetically, physically and...
Permanent Group Session Save the Children
We open a PERMANENT healing space to help alleviate ancestral pain and multiple incarnations to heal energetically, spiritually and as far as we can go, the negative consequences of trauma stemming from the often ritualistic abuse, maltreatment and murder of innocent...
Flexibility the new challenge of the week
CHALLENGE WORD OF THE WEEK. FLEXIBILITY Last week I learned a lot with the word HUMILITY that I used as a teaching and a way to walk for a few days. The Master who came to teach me about Humility was Jesus ... I discovered incredible things and felt the deep...
Dowse your compliance levels and resolve them
To comply, not to what degree being forced to comply with the outher world rules and regulations disconnect you from the Wisdom of your true Self? worth pondering and resolving... we are currently being "forced" to accept a certain vision of reality...
Our newsletter comes in 2 languages in ONE SINGLE EMAIL. Normally we will first write in English and below the english people will find the Spanish translation. yet sometimes we do shift this to honor our Spanish speaking readers. So please, make sure you scroll until...
A dowsing question to ponder… Humility
A question to ponder this week that came intuitively as I was asking for something beneficial for the group of readers of this page... What is true humility and what are its gifts when we have managed to integrate it into our lives? What would our life be like...
Testimonial Exor pendulum
TESTIMONIAL Exor pendulum Months ago a client used this pendulum for her community of owners for a debt of 13 thousand euros. She used the pendulum and that debt pending to be collected for years, was finally collected a few days after working the situation with Exor....
New Song: Return to your Self
Our latest song, click on link for lyrics and bioenergetic properties
Hydration in Dowsing
I have bought a water distiller I will tell you how it goes ... at an energy level, the distilled water that I have just made from the well in my farm house has an amazing energy.... it comes directly from a very special mountain! I would like to remind you that in...
Results Elderly session confinement, social isolation
RESULTS OF THE ELDERLY SUPPORT SESSION IN RESIDENCES We have not taken measurements to avoid hurting family members in the face of possible potentially negative Dowsing measurements. In this session we have traveled through time to encompass the entire period of...
Session in support of our Elderly suffering confinement isolation
Group session for our ELDERLYDate: June 21, 2020, time 19h Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone) Session in the distance We call on all dowsers, Reiki practitioners, energy healers, people with LOVE to join in this group session with all the elderly in the...
New bioenergetic Song: Peace be With You
Results group session June 12th end of 21 day practice Yes I Love you
RESULTS GROUP SESSION for everyone and end of practice "Yes I love you" This session has been a group FOR ALL, participants or NOT participants of the 21-day Practice that ends today (for those who started with us that same day). This session has been a way of...
Day 21 “Yes I love you”, a 21 days practice
DAY 21 "Yes I love you", 21-day practice! Today we reach the final stretch of our practice. our last day. You may not have started the same day as us, but when your 21st day arrives you can read this post and celebrate it with us !!!! Today is a day to recap the path...
Free Group Session Light Bath end practice “Yes I love you”
FREE GROUP SESSION END OF THE PRACTICE "Yes I Love you" Date: June 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in Madrid, Spain (calculate your time zone) It is not live, it is in the distance WE CLOSE THE LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 30 MIN BEFORE YOU BEGIN SESSION Who can participate:...
Day 20 “Yes I love you” a 21 days practice
DAY 20 "Yes I love you", a 21-day practice Today I walk any remaining pathway of fear within me with the medicine of Love that I have firmly anchored in my Being with this practice that ends tomorrow. From my reptilian brain to my neo cortex, "Yes I love you",...
Day 19, “Yes I love you”, a 21 days practice
DAY 19, "Yes I love you", a 21-day practice We only have two more days left to finish our practice ... today is a day to savor the mastery that we are achieving with our determination and focus to continue each day strengthening Love in our lives. In a world...
Babies bioenergetic response to confinement and global crisis
Babies are already beginning to show negative bioenergetic traces of the global situation we are experiencing. I just did a session with a baby that we have been following since before birth and in this session the baby has shown signs of the traces that the global...
Day 18, “Yes I love you” a 21 days practice
Day 18 "Yes I Love You" A 21-day practice Feeling, "Yes I love you" today I strengthen myself through my feeling capacity which is a gift, a precious gift that as a human species we have received and that unites us to all sentient beings. "Feeling, If I Love...
Human touch after the confinement
After the confinement, many people have re-encountered loved ones and in some cases perceive that things are no longer the same, that there is a gap, a separation that is now more clearly perceived, especially between those who vibrate in a way and those who...
Day 17 Yes I love you, a 21 day practice
DAY 17 "Yes I love you", a 21-day practice Inner mastery, "YesI love you" because every step I take that brings me closer to you makes me discover a new facet of my Being and with it, I wake up more and more to my true essence. True essence, Yes I Love you ... With...
Results group session “Yes I Love you” June 7th 2020
RESULTS GROUP SESSION SUPPORT PARTICIPANTS PRACTICE "Yes I love you" Before we begin, we test how we are doing at a group level with practice. According to the measurements, the group is benefiting from the practice a 9/10 (when I find out why not a 10/10, I simply...
Day 16 “Yes I Love you” a 21 day practice
DAY 16 "Yes I love you", a 21-day practice "Fortitude, determination, YesI love you", we have already advanced a lot in our practice. Those who have really practiced have been able to anchor a new way of perceiving through LOVE, everything that surrounds them....
Day 15, “Yes I love you” a 21 day practice
DAY 15 "Yes I love you", A 21-day practice Today I remember that joy is my natural state of Being and that at every moment, I have the freedom and sovereignty to choose to live in joy. "Joy, Yes I love you", "Sovereignty, Yes I love you", "Freedom, YesI love you". Joy...
Day 14th “Yes I love you” a 21 day practice
DAY 14 / "Yes I Love You" 21 days of practice "Trust, Yes I love you", I open myself to trust in the plan that birthed me in this time and place with a clear purpose. "Trust, Yes I love you", Even in troubled or crisis times, I can trust the friendly hand that takes...
Group Session in support participants “Yes I Love you” practice June 7th 2020
GROUP SESSION SUPPORT PARTICIPANTS PRACTICE "Yes I Love You" Date: Sunday, June 7, 2020, Time: 19h Madrid Spain (At a the distance, calculate your time) It is not live, it is at a the distance you do not have to do anything, just receive. We close the list of...
Dignity “Yes I Love you” a 21 day practice
DAY 13 "Yes I love you", a 21-day practice "Dignity, Yes I love you" In 1981 we crossed the Nubian desert between Sudan and Egypt, called the Desert of Death because there are no tracks to follow, only six vehicles crossed it a year and there were great risks...
Day 12, “Yes I love you” a 21 day practice
DAY 12 "Yes I Love You", A 21-day practice To my 12 energy flows, "Yes I love you", to my 12 organs, "Yes I love you", to my 12 aspects and colors-vibrations, "Yes I love you". Harmonizing with my energy flows I enter into Harmony with the cosmos, my personal and...
Day 11 “Yes I love you” a 21 day practice
DAY 11, "If I Love You", 21-day Practice Today I release the weight of the past with my "If I love you" ... I focus on everything that weighs and holds me and lovingly, I see it, I feel it, I release it, "If I love you". Happy practice day, "Yes I love you". Barbara...
Integration year: 2020 being treated as toddlers or standing on our power
We are heading towards an eclipse the 5th June and great energetic changes for the Solstice on the 21st June. This whole year the outer world is mirroring to us where do we still hold within extreme polarizations... Politics, Economics, Society, Religion...
Day 10 Yes I Love You, 21 day practice
Day 10 "Yes I Love You", 21 day Practice Love is the healing medicine of the Soul. When we love, we cannot get sick on a soul level. We swim in spiritual nectar of the highest level when we immerse ourselves in the waves of Love. Today, I remember that I am Love...
Day 9 “Yes I Love You” 21 day practice
Day 9 "Yes I Love You" 21-day practice Today we walk with the Holy Spirit of Love on the path that invites us to return to our true essence through the Portal of Love to oneself, to others, to everything around us. Immersed in the volatility of the world, of the...
Free Group Session Strength and courage May 31st 2020
Free Group Session: Strength and Courage When: May 31st 2020 Time: 19h Madrid Spain time At a distance Purpose of the session: To transmit energetic and spiritual Strength and Courage to all those who feel somehow overwhelmed by the current events we are living. due...
Day 8, Yes I Love you, 21 day practice
Day 8 "Yes I love you" 21 day practice Today, to all races in the world, "Yes I love you," we honor the memory of George Floyd and all victims of inter-racial violence. "Differences of all kinds, Yes, I love you", loving you I love all of creation and with this I put...
Day 7 “Yes I love you” 21 day practice
Day 7 / Practice 21 days "Yes I Love You" "Today, from the tip of my feet to my crown, "Yes, I love myself." I open myself to the total luminous spectrum of my entire Being, understanding that I am One and multidimensional, encompassing different facets of my being,...
Day 6 “Yes I Love you” 21 day practice
Day 6 21-day practice "Yes I love You" It is very difficult for us to feel fully loved in a world intercepted by the voices that try to disconnect and separate us through deceit and concealment of who we are, what is our relationship with Source. In whichever way we...
Results Group session support 21 days practice “Yes I love You”
Group Session in support of participants 21 days of Practice "YES I Love You" We have transmitted energies and frequencies to raise our vibratory field through the pendulums: -Magdalene -Shambhala -Archangels Pendulum in: Divine Light, Archangel Raphael At the end of...
Day 5 “Yes I love you” 21 day practice
Day 5 / Practice 21 days "If I love you" Today's invitation which you can use as inspiration or not if you do not resonate with it, is to focus on loving the insecurities that are arising in the face of the perception of an uncertain future due to the situation we are...
Day 4 “Yes I Love you” 21 day practice
Day 4/21-day practice "Yes I Love you" You can focus every day on the affirmation and apply it to everything you see and feel. We give you just a few inspirations and visual reminders to help us keep the focus and momentum in our practice. Today we can focus on...
Day 3 of “Yes I Love You” 21 days practice
Day 3 / Practice 21 days "Yes I love you" Staying focused on a practice we have chosen to perform is crucial to success ... The first day we blindly signed on, but then the days pass and the initial motivation for choosing to practice a practice can fade ... Today's...
Liberty Blues bioenergetic Music Pura Presencia
Liberty Blues BIOENERGETIC PROPERTIES: Purification of the Mind, deprogram from the Matrix, freedom codes transmitted through the song empowering us to live in Liberty, independance, self governement and Love. Pure Centering Vibration, Christ Consciousness, Pure White...
Day 2 of our 21 days practice “Yes I love you”
2nd day practice I Love You, here are some pointers that can help participants on this 21 day practice
Free group session for participants 21 day practice 27th May 2020
Another free group session this time for participants in our 21 days practice called “Yes I love you”.
“Yes I Love you” a 21 days practice 23rd May to 12th June 2020
THANKS FOR SHARING A 21-day practice to RISE OUR OUR VIBRATION From May 23, 2020 to June 12, 2020 You can sign up under this FACEBOOK post, it is free Or else under this Youtube post PRACTICE 21 DAYS "If I love you" ———————————————- We begin a 21-day practice...
Inner Child
A quote From the Manual, Dowsing Key 4: How to heal the Inner Child with pendulums /Barbara Meneses
The magenta ray
A quote from the Manual The Magdalene Pendulum / Barbara Meneses
The Magdalene pendulum
"The Magdalenes have left codes for those waking up now so that we can carry on with our missions and soul purposes" Barbara Meneses, the Magdalene Pendulum Manual More information: The Magdalene Pendulum+Manual
Results Light Bath group session (Free) May, 15th 2020
LIGHT BATH GROUP SESSION RESULTS We transmitted a bath of Divine Light to the group and worked with the vibrations of Divine Light, Divine Love, and the Radiesthetic Color Ultraviolet with the Pendulum of the Archangels. Next we transmitted from Shambhala Ascending...
Another energetic support for those wanting to receive it, May 15th 2020 at 18h Madrid Spain time
Self Liberation Pura Presencia Bioenergetic Music Listen with Headphones for best experience LYRICS Seven line Prayer calling Guru Rinpoche Vajra Guru Mantra: Om ah Hung Benza Guru Pema Siddhi Hung Self Liberation through Naked Awareness Crystal Clear Space, Radiant...
New payment method on our Online shop
We have added payments via Credit Card using a secure and official Online Credit Card service Redsys/Servired.
Heaven´s Joy Pura Presencia Bioenergetic Music
Heaven´s Joy Bioenergetic properties: Connection 7th Heaven, Inner child activation, Divine Love, Peace, Christic frequencies, Pure White Light, Gold vibrations, Pure Centering Vibration, Wholeness. Emotional and Spiritual healing. Inner Child healing CREDITS: Pura...
Results Light Bath harmonization with nature April 26th 2020
Results of this free session in support of Humanity during the confinement hundreds of people participated.
New Bioenergetic Song: Humanity
New song supporting the awakening of Humanity´s true essence
Free group session Light Bath harmonizing with Nature April 26th 2020
A new session free in support of all of you during the pandemia/confinement 26th April 2020
Results Group session supporting you during corona v 23rd April 2020
Results session and message from Yeshua.
Group Session bioenergetic support during corona V April 23rd 2020
Another session in support of all of you who sign into the sessions. You can sign in via facebook or youtube click to read more
Group Session honoring our deceased
We performed a healing session transmitting light to our Ancestors 7 generations above us in the maternal lineage and 7 generations above us in the paternal lineage.
We do not consent Bioenergetic Music Pura Presencia
A song composed for the current times…
Results Light Bath group session April 16th 2020
Results session in support of those sufferig during the confinement/pandemia
Group Session honoring our deceased ones 19th April 2020
Bioenergetic Ceremony honoring our deceased ones due to the global pandemia Sunday 19th April 2020. This session can provide emotional help and closure to those mourning their loved ones.
Group session Light Bath April 16th 2020
We are offering another free group session in support during the pandemia Thursday 16th April 2020 at 19h Madrid Spain time at a distance session
Results Emotional Support Group session 12th April 2020
Results group session and message of our higher selves speaking together in relation to the pandemia
Heyamuli Bioenergetic Music
Heyamuli a Bioenergetic Music to help rise our vibrations, heal the heart and reunite the Tribe of Love 🙂
Be the Victory, hold the Victory
An invitation to hold in your heart-mind Victory and the highest good aligning yourself with the most beneficial timeline
Free Group Session Emotional Support April 12th 2020
We provide a new free group session Emotional support for those suffering the current global pandemia crisis.
Results Emotional support session 5th April 2020
Emotional support session for free /group session held 5th April 2020
Divine Light Bioenergetic Music Pura Presencia
Sharing our latest bioenergetic song "Divine Light" Pura Presencia Properties: A sound bath in Divine Light, Pure Centering Vibration, Liquid light from Source flowing to you and your atmosphere for the highest good. Bioenergetically this song balances your energy...
Free Group session emotional support 5th April 2020
Another free group session in support of Humanity during these pandemia times
A Shungite message Shungite Radio Show
We appear with interesting info on the Shungite Radio Show
Bioenergetic Music Pura Presencia The Heart Speaks
Synchronize with Source´s heartbeat with this bioenergetic Music created for you by us with Love!
Light Bath Group session free 1st April 2020
A Free group session Light Bath on 1st April 2020 in support of all who are going through the confinement these days.
Session in video in support clearing memories /corona v
Clearing session for you /corona virus and all issues around this global situation
Bioenergetic music Spiritual reconnection to Source
Our latest free sonic medicine offering in Video
Results free group session in support facing Corona v
Results free session 25th March 2020
Free Group session Corona V/Support March 25th 2020
Another Free group session supporting bioenergetically all who sign in
Free group session support facing corona V March 22nd 2020
FREE GROUP SESSION CORONA V FRONT SUPPORT DATE: Sunday, March 22, 2020 Time: 7pm Madrid Spain time Session in the distance Session Purpose: Bioenergetically and emotionally support spiritually all who wish to participate by writing their name under this post. If you...
Results group session support coronavirus elderly and children
click to read post
Results group session
Results session 18th March 2020
Coronavirus support session/ Elderly and children
Free group bioenergetic support session for Elderly and Children /Coronavirus 20th March 2020 at 19h Madrid time at a distance
Free Group session coronavirus support 18th March
We will be supporting you vibrationally during the coronavirus outbreak join our sessions on Facebook
Coronavirus bioenergetic music support Just Like Fire Pura Presencia
We have created this Sonic Medicine in support of Humanity during the Coronavirus pandemia share with all.
Results Corona V Group session
Results session 14th March 2020 supporting people for the Corona V
Group session Corona V 14th March 2020
FREE GROUP SESSION CORONA V SUPPORT DATE: Saturday 14th March 2020At a distance Who can participate: Those writting their names under this post. Ask permission if you add someone else. Session purpose: To provide energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual...
Results Group session Women´s day
Results of the Group session held on 8th March 2020 for Women and the feminine aspect in men
Results session harmonizing the Heart
Results of the group session held on the 4th March 2020
Group Session Harmonizing the Heart (4th March 2020)
Free group session connected to Divine Mother, the Divine Feminine in support of the Human heart 4th March 2020
Free Group Session Divine Love Feb,14th, 2020
A new free group healing session on St Valentin 2020.
Results healing session for Carers
Results of the session that took place on the 5th Feb 2020
Free Group Session for Carers
A free group session in support of all carers, the 5th Feb 2020
Dowsing the Corona Virus
Some tips to help us with the corona virus
Free Group session Light Bath Jan, 26th 2020
Free group session Light Bath in support of all of us 🙂
Dowsing for Australia (fires)
WE CALL ALL DOWSERS TO UNITE THEIR PENDULUMS IN SUPPORT OF AUSTRALIA, their fauna, flora and human beings. Group session in the distance Date January 9, 2020 Time 19h Madrid Spain. If you cannot at that time schedule your work to join us. Session focus: minimize the...
Results Group healing session Dec, 31
Results session opening a New decade!
Group session Releasing the past embracing a new decade 31st Dec 2019
Last Free group session of the year 2019 focusing on releasing the past and embracing a new decade enhancing our goals and best values. 31st Dec 2019
Group Session Christic Transmission Dec 24th
On Dec 24th 2019 we will offer via Facebook a Free group healing session transmitting Christic Light to those participating and emotional support to those feeling alone during these holidays
Free Group session a Xmas balancing of Relationships
A Free group session focused on balancing our relationships during Christmas and the holiday season time. 20th Dec 2019 at 19h at a distance, Madrid Spain time.
The Exor pendulum presentation in English
Presenting one of our heavy duty pendulums, the Exor, to clear the noxious consequences of “dark” work.