Before we begin, we test how we are doing at a group level with practice. According to the measurements, the group is benefiting from the practice a 9/10 (when I find out why not a 10/10, I simply receive an answer that is that we have not finished the 21 days yet)
At a group level, those who practice “Yes I Love You” have increased their overall vibration by 40% by raising it. Apparently the result will be lasting.
I measure that we have all come close to the Love that we are  by a 10/10, that is to say that practice is allowing us to recognize that we are Love.


We have to remove 2 blockages at a group level.

  • The first in our emotional field affecting our communication due to inferiority patterns / beliefs located in our throat and that affect our practice (not believing that we are worthy of the Love that we are, of expressing it, recognizing it, fully verbalizing it).
  • The next blockage removed was in our etheric body due to two harmful attachment cords with supposed entities that generated patterns of disappointment and helplessness (perhaps relative to our practice). Removed from the heart and area between solar plexus and chakra 2.
  • Vibrational transmission Indigo Pendulum Archangels in third eye
  • Vibrational transmission Divine Truth in the third eye (Very long transmission)
  • Christ Consciousness Transmission heart area
  • Transmission liquid Light to enhance our connection to our Inner Teacher, the Teacher Within.


Message from Source (God; the One) to participants:

You are receiving “the Wisdom of all times” and you will see with greater detail what has been oppressing Humanity for so long. Be at Peace in your practice of Love and know that your work is impacting the whole regardless as to whether you notice it or not. You are beacons of Light for your communities. Stand strong nd tall. Be well. Turbulence will not rock you.”

Session facilitated by Barbara Meneses, Pura Presencia. Baj-pendulos Spain

Drink water, rest

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