Results Group Session Divine Love

You received a transmission of different vibrational frequencies namely Divine Will, Christ Consciousness, Divine Love. Prior to this, we had to work removing negative influences preventing us/you to receive Divine Love.
We worked with the Magdalene energies as taught in our Magdalene Manual a frequency that is at the threshold between Heaven and the Ascensional process for Humanity and the Earth at this moment in time. This frequency works with the Divine Feminine and Masculine harmonizing and supporting our integration in Wholeness.
Once the session ended, there was a message from Yeshua, the Christ for us all:

«I am here, the hearts of hearts. I head your calls and I respond to them. I am open to your pleas and I am here. I love you. No one is alone. You are ALL my children and I never forsake you. Please ignore the voices that say otherwise for they harm your Soul. I am here with you. Hold my hand on a daily basis, walk with Me. I will protect you from those voices that wish to torment you in the silence of your nights and in the midst of your daily activities. You are not alone. I hold you in my heart at all times. Come to me regularly to receive the Love that is yours, for you are made of it, by it, for it, through it. Be blessed this day with my love that is pure and innocent, as you are. Release the false. Embrace the Truth of your Nature. Become vessels of Love wherever you are, be a beacon of Light and Love for your brothers and sisters. Stand up in Victory from the oppression and show the way of Love to others. I love you eternally, Yeshua.»

Session facilitated by Barbara Meneses Pura Presencia Baj-pendulos Spain. Happy St Valentine´s day! may you be able to touch infinite persons with the love you have received, today and every day. May we be able to seed Mother Earth with Love, to dry the tears of suffering that so many beings are shedding at this moment in time over Her. May we be able, together, to put an end to suffering, torment, lies, falsehood, oppression.
Love heals all wounds and restores us to our true nature.

After the session, drink water and rest. You might be emotional after the session. It is good to cry, these are «good» tears of healing, release and breakthroughs.

Barbara Meneses


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